Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Girls, Can You Beleive It Is That Time Again???????????

                                Time to remember the tragedy of this day, 11 years ago, not only for those of us living in this city, but everywhere.  For years, the Baby Boomers lived off of the "Where were you when your first heard?" aspects, surrounding the 1963 JFK assassination, never for a second imagining there would be another benchmark date not only for us, but for those offspring who happened to be children of us.

                                     And this morning was eerily similar to that actual day--clear, cloudless in the sky, the air crisp with the signs of approaching Autumn--and it is a Tuesday. Exactly the way things were in place, back in 2001.

                                       Which does leave me a bit uneasy every year on this date.  How could it not?
It was a day of both tragedy and courage, when  anyone capable of being touched by the event actually was.

                                           To this day, when I am on Seventh Avenue South, looking downtown, I see, in my mind's eye, the Twin Towers.  They will never go away for me, I suppose.  So, as another year since that fateful day passes, let us remember each other, where we were then, and give thanks that nothing as monumental has happened since, and pray it never does again.

                                              This has to be one of the saddest anniversaries on record. One it would be nice not to have to remember, while, at the same time, never forgetting the impact it has had.

                                                 Never Forget, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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