Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Darlings, There Was A Time When I Actually Wanted To Be One Of The McGuire Sisters!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               "Sugar in the morning, sugar in  the evening,
                                                  sugar at suppertime.
                                                Be my little sugar, and love me all the time."
                                                   ---"Sugartime" (1958) by The McGuire Sisters

                                 I was all of three or four, girls, when this song came out.  My sister owned a 45 RPM of it, and I just loved it.  In fact, it was one of the first songs I actually learned to sing. So, when I heard, yesterday, that  Dorothy McGuire (NOT the actress) was the first of the famed singing McGuire Sisters, to pass on, at 84, I felt a part of my childhood had gone with her.

                                   This was the day when groups had harmonic sounds.  Even Frankie Vallie and the Four Seasons; I never discriminated, I wanted to be them, too. Of course, all this was pre-Barbra!!!!!!!!
But the McGuires truly had the best sound; I also loved "Sincerely," though we did not have that recording in the house, when I was growing up.

                                      Dorothy is gone, but Phyllis, the best known of them, is still alive at 81, while Christine, the oldest, is hale and hearty at 86.  But once a trio parts, it is never the same! 

                                        Thankfully, there are recordings and now YouTube for these memories. So, especially for those who never have, give the McGuires  a listen.  You will want to become a Sister, yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          "Sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, Sugartime," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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