Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Happy "Frank Mills" Day, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          At some point today--or. more likely, this evening, I will stand in front of the Waverly (now the IFC) Theatre on Sixth Avenue near West 4th Street in the Village, and sing this song from "HAIR," just as I have for the past 33 years, marred only by the 9/11 attacks in 2001.  This is quite a record, lambs!

                                             Let's see, when I first started this, I was all of 23 years of age.  Still young enough to do "HAIR."  That may not be the case now, but when have I ever let something like that stop me?????   And to think Shelley Plimpton, pictured above, who sang the song originally in the musical classic, is now 65--a Senior Citizen, yet!!!!!!!!!!--and rests her laurels on this legendary distinction, and of course, being the mother of the fabulous Martha Plimpton!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               I have always wondered if Shelley has known about my little paean to she and the song.  Somehow, I think she does.

                                                This has been quite a week. From the tragedy of yesterday to the theatricality of today. And wait till you see what is coming your way on Thursday and Friday!!!!!!!!!

                                                   So, a Happy "Frank Mills" Day to one and all!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    How nice to be now living in Brooklyn, somewhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. OK, I have to ask:do you attract a crowd outside the theatre when you sing Frank Mills? I just realized I've been reading your blog for a year because I remember you mentioning this last year. I swear,next year I'm coming to see you!


  2. Funny you should ask. It has varied over the years. Often no one notices, because I am sure many don't know the song, or barely remember it. But two years stand out. One time, I was doing it, and there was this young girl, not far away from me, who seemed to be genuinely waiting for someone. As I started to sing, she began to slowly inch herself away further and further.

    The best by far was the year ther was this wino, drinking in front of the Waverly. I commenced, he looke at me, looked at the bottle, looked at me again, then threw up the bottle, and ran! My guess is he is now a Wall Streeter.

    I welcome anyone who wants to come. I will keep you posted about next year!
