Thursday, September 13, 2012

Girls, This Only Proves The Best Bitches Are Local Ones!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I actually had two contenders for Bitch Of The Week this morning, darlings--the other shall be covered in another post--but I chose this week's winner, not only for her dastardly deed, but because she came to my attention first.

                                    The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is a 25-year-old woman named Dina Saint-Fleur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I know, I know. With a name like that, you would think she is an actress, appearing as Lily St. Regis in "Annie."  What she is is a nut job, who yesterday morning, on a rush hour commute on the J Train in Queens (it figures it is Queens!!!!!!)  got into some sort of altercation with this couple, a 34-year-old man named Antoine Roddy, and his 24-year-old girlfriend, named--get this--Princess Allsop!!!!!!!!  I bet that was what the dispute was over-- the latter's name-- because I am sure this was no Princess, not even from Miss Porter's!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Now, Miss Saint-Fleur may have been correct in her social class distinctions, being able to recognize a real princess from this faux one!  But that still did not give her the right to pull out a knife, and go after the two, stabbing them.  From what I understand, everything ended in Jamaica, near Sutphin Boulevard, around 8:45 am, where the couple were rushed to a hospital, with no life threatening injuries, and Miss Saint-Fleur was arrested.  Bet that is not her real name, either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             There is just no accounting for riding the subway these days.   Several weeks back, on our beloved R train, during the morning commute, Monsieur had to sit next to someone who was, to put it politely, choking his chicken!!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it?????????  And this morning the day started off great, with us seated, facing a homeless man in the corner, who was certainly organized, with his bags, but whose clothes and hygiene were so disheveled, a mustiness emanated from his area ll the way to where we were sitting.  Plus he was fully exposed. No, he was not being perverted; it was like that section of his pants had been torn or ripped out, maybe by wear, and things were just open.  I don't even want to think about what was crawling on him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              I can only hope the day improves from here.  Meanwhile, we have Dina Saint-Fleur as our Bitch Of The Week.  They don't come any better than in New York, girls, let me tell you!!!!!!!!!  There are more per capita in this city than any other, save Hollywood!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 You don't believe me?????????  Just walk through the Theater District, one hour before showtime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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