Saturday, September 1, 2012

Girls, This Is Just Too Much!!!!!!

                       No, darlings, this is NOT a photo of me, taken one Halloween, when I was a child!  My mother never would have allowed me to tart myself up like this, but tarting up is, I guess, a prime requisite for being a contestant on "Toddlers And Tiaras," which the photo is from.

                     "Dance Moms" at least has camp value!!!!!!!!!!  This show is truly macabre!  The whole thing reeks of exploitation bordering on child prostitution, the mothers act more like pimps than parents, and every male on site--be it judge or stage crew-- seems to look as though they harbor pedophile fantasies!!!!  Which would not surprise me, darlings, one bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Just look at this!  The episode I saw, featured Destiny (great name for a hooker or drag queen, not a child!!!) slutted up like Olivia Newton John as Sandy at the end of "Grease," posturing sexily, to "You're The One That I Want" over the speaker system!!!!!!!!!  And, darlings, she is 4 years old, and that is a REAL  cigarette (thankfully unlit!) placed in her mouth by her mother, seen doing this backstage!!!!  And when Little Destiny prances out, hips swiveling, and throes the cig down on the ground, and stamps it out with the front of her open toe heeled pink pumps, (with matching nail polish, of course!!!)  well, all I can say is, why didn't someone called Child Services???????????  It isn't Destiny who should be held accountable; it is her mother!!!!!!!!!!!

                     No one, anywhere, at any time, on this show, displays any sense of shame!  I get a very definite sense from the kids that some of them are already disgusted by this; they are not so dumb!  But they are not the ones in control, so what chance do they have????  I am telling you, darlings, ten, fifteen, twenty years down the road, look for  some of these tykes to wind up on "Snapped!" or "Deadly Women!"  Their futures, to paraphrase Stanley Kowalski, are mapped out for them!  Engineered by their exploitative Mamas!!!!!!!!

                     Hey, ladies (and I use the term loosely here!!!!!) instead of tarting up your daughters , why not hit the streets, or the Web, and peddle your sorry ass  selves, instead of your daughters????  Maybe because no one would give you a second look????  Huh, dolls??????   Meanwhile, you are merchandising your still innocent flesh and blood for every potential pedo or nutso out there!!!!!!!!  And you thought Mama Rose in "Gypsy" was pushy?????????????

                      Watching this show, I did not know whether to be fascinated or disgusted.  A little bit of both maybe!!! But, to continue to watch this would, I feel, be tantamount to advocating child exploitation, and every additional viewer this show gets, the ante goes up a little further!!!!!!!!!!  So that is it for me!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Now, if I could be a contestant, that would be different!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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