Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Well, girls,  here we are, the day that ends the most magical time of the year, and heralds the beginning of something else.  There is something sad about Labor Day, because, even though there is technically about two-and-a-half weeks left of Summer, after today, everything seems to come to a screeching halt!  Homes shut up, beaches shut down, and amusements close for another year as we commence the long exodus from Fall into Winter!!!!

                             So, make the most of this final day of magic, girls!!!!!!!!  And think how the Summer of 2012 should be remembered.  Celebrity deaths and gun shootings?  Well, there were those, but how about the magic of being with those we love, in the warmest, both physically and emotionally, of seasons.  Its childhood associations linger; they never seem to leave.  I will remember this summer as that of Re-Discovery--of Brooklyn, Bay Ridge, and, of course, love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Let the memories linger!  One last caress, darlings, it will be time to dress for Fall!!!!!!!


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