Saturday, September 29, 2012

Girls, We Just Love Rhonda In "Trick ' R Treat!!!!!!!!!"

                                             Now, darlings, I have not seen "Trick 'R Treat" in its entirety as of yet, but I have read and seen enough to know that I want it to be my Halloween movie this year.  It was made in 2007, but I am not sure it had a theatrical release, though it has gained something of a reputation over time.
And the story with Rhonda in it is, I think, the main reason for that.

                                                The story, called "The Halloween School Bus Massacre" centers on a group of four teens in a small town, headed by a girl named Marcy, a Golden Girl, type, dressed in an angel costume, but whom you just know is a real bitch!!!!!!!!!! You know, like Diane Dykeman.  Rhonda is established early on as the peer group's social outcast--for being either just weird, autistic an idiot savant, basically "different".  She believes in Halloween and its traditions, and her yard is covered with dozens of Jack O'Lanterns.  She has also been given the nickname Rhonda The Retard!!!!!!   One of the nicer of the kids, Schrader, asks her to borrow a Jack O' Lantern, and she agrees, then he  asks her to come along with them to the quarry, which is the stuff of urban legend.

                                                  Thirty years prior, there was a terrible accident.  A bus carrying a group of handicapped children--so troubled they had to be chained in--were being driven to school, when the driver decided to take a different turn, and ends up by the lake at the quarry. What the kids do not know is that their evil parents had paid the driver to throw them into the water, making it look like an accident, and end their burden of having to care for them.  Too bad the story did not go the route of having the dead children come back and kill each and every one of those parents!!!!!  But something goes wrong.  The kids begin to act up at the violation of their routine, despite the driver handing out "last request candy."  One of the kids, in a Dracula getup, manages to get himself  lose, goes to the driver's seat, and tries to steer the bus away from there, and to home. But he cannot do it, and so, in a way, he succeeds in what the bus driver was supposed to do--accidentally plunging himself and everyone else into the water.  Only the bus driver survives, and nothing is known of him afterwards.

                                                  The kids have come to the quarry with eight Jack O'Lanterns, which represent the eight souls of the children, and are meant to be placed lakeside as an offering.  But, during all this, they decide to play a cruel prank on Rhonda, that goes too far, causing them to think they have killed her.  They have not, but fate and consequence have something in store for them, with Rhonda ending up turning the table on her pranksters.  And when she did I LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!!!  I was rooting for her all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Go, Rhonda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     That is as much as I will reveal.  I cannot discuss the other stories, as I have not seen them yet. But "Trick 'R Treat" proves to be a potentially new entry in the Halloween film repertoire, and I will let you know the rest as soon as I see it.

                                                        But you do not mess with Rhonda!!!!!!!!!  This is one time the song "Help me, Rhonda!" won't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  2. This movie doesn't fit in with other Halloween movies, this movie sets the Frikking standard, non better ....
