Saturday, September 29, 2012

You Know The Year Is Winding Down, When You See This!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Can you believe it, darlings???????????  There I was, Thursday night, leaving Lincoln Center, walking along the subway underpass, featuring postered ads of upcoming events at the Center....and I see "The Nutcracker!!!!!!!!!!"  Which will be running from November 23 till December 30!!!!!!!!!

                                          I was shocked!!!!!!!!!!  September, and they are advertising one of the city's biggest Holiday events, already?????????  The year is going by fast enough, but with this I feel like it is just about finished.  I mean, I am still contemplating getting tickets to see the "West Side Story" Suite, and now I have to think about "The Nutcracker???????????"  And we have not even gotten to Halloween!!!!!!!!!

                                           Since I did not make it last year, I feel duty bound to.  I still remember my first "Nutcracker," which was back in 1978. To think that was 34 years ago!!!!!!!!!!  And I have never seen it with Monsieur, which is a special enough reason to see it.  With him, that gorgeous production and dancing, that lovely music...what a perfect evening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Still, I was not prepared to contemplate it so soon!!!!!!!!!!!!  Like Shirley Temple's Last Letter To Santa Claus, it is shocking and illusion bursting to contemplate.  The illusion being that time marches slowly; each year it seems to go a little faster.  And never have I seen such proof till  this!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               So, get your tickets, girls, because I want to see all of you there!  Make way for Mother Ginger And Her Polichinelles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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