Saturday, September 29, 2012

Great Minds Think Alike, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Until this morning, girls, I never heard of Matt Zoller Seitz.  Now, I would like to praise both him and a film professor of his, in college.

                                      Something Matt wrote, a piece on his dismay over students' reactions to a screening of the 1962 James Bond film, "From Russia, With Love," left him in dismay, and  I agree.  These are the equivalent of musical theater students or wannabes who cannot process "Carousel," because anything other than something along the lines of "Spring Awakening" is beyond their comprehension.

                                      It seems Matt  was dismayed by how the film's  young audience so readily dismissed it due to its datedness, its lack of what was contemporary to them.  He then referenced a film professor of his from college, when he confronted his student audience upon a similar reaction to the 1952 classic, "Singin' In The Rain." 

                                       "The film is not unsophisticated," the professor said, harshly. "You are."

                                          Good for him, and good for Matt!!!!!!!!!  It is about time dumb people who should not be going to movies or theater were put in their place. .  If the airports can have security, there should be cultural screenings of audiences, to see if they are actually fit to attend said play or film in the first place.  I have felt this for years, and I am glad to hear some people are taking up this mantle.  I don't want to sit in an auditorium or theater next to those who ought to be on "Judge Judy!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                          Let me make it clear to these types.  If you're stupid, you're STUPID!!!!!!!!!!
So don't bother!  Leave the arts to those of us who appreciate and understand.  The rest of you go roll outside in the mud and get off watching 'Honey Boo Boo!"

                                             You can bet I am going to follow Matt's writings from now on. And I can only hope he hears about and follows the Raving Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Spread the word, girls!!!!!!!!!!!

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