Thursday, September 13, 2012

Honestly!!!!!!!! A Girl Just Isn't Safe, Anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Things are coming to a pretty pass, darlings, when a person cannot hang out in Central Park, in daytime, and bird watch, read, or whatever.  Wait till you hear this!!!!!!! Yesterday morning, around 11 am, a 73-year-old woman--that's right!!!!!!!--regular was birdwatching, when she was accosted by a man, homeless in his 40's. He pounced upon her, raped her, and threatened to cut her jugular!!!!!!!!! Nice, huh??????????  Apparently, this scum is something of a regular himself; the same woman caught him last work masturbating in public, near where she was.  She snapped a photo of him, and this may have been the motive for the attack!!!!!!!!!!!

                                What kind of sick scum does  such a thing???????  The age is incidental; though it is unusual, but not impossible, for the elderly to be attacked like this. But who would want to??? This thing has some serious issues.  Lock him in an interrogation room with a screen, DVD player, and geriatric porn, and let him pound it till he passes out!!!!!!!!!!  Then lock him in the slammer for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  You should hear the woman on this guy--"Cut his penis off!" "Chop off his balls!"
Even his feet!!!!!!!!!! This is one granny, honey, who is out for blood!!!!!!!!!  I do not blame her, though I don't think such extremes are needed. Simply keep this guy off the streets for good.

                                     Awhile back, he pulled a knife on someone in Strawberry Fields.  This is a menace who will not stop!  And if he is not incarcerated he won't.  But I can tell you what will stop him!!!!!!

                                        This guy needs a date with Daphne Abdela!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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