Thursday, September 13, 2012

Word From The Rialto, Loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  This will be a very hodge podge post, darlings!!!!!!!!  You all know that "Annie" is due to arrive at the Palace, and my reservations on that.  And you know Jake (Gyllenhaal) is in town, and it simply imperative I go there and see him!!!!!!!!!  I mean, such deliciousness should not be missed. Plus, the guy can actually act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Of course, the big word out there is "Rebecca," which Monsieur and I have tickets for, and are supposed to see on November 11, a Sunday, and one week before I turn....24.....again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        This show has been plagued as much as its title character plagues Manderly and its inhabitants in the story. It was supposed to open last year, but enough money could not be raised, and things were pushed back so far that the two leads originally cast up and left.  Bet they made a wise decision!!!!!!!!!  So those roles had to, and have been, recast.  Now, it was set to open in November, I believe on or around the time of my natal day, and last week came word that things have been pulled back again--because a substantial investor passed away in August.

                                           You have to wonder if Mrs. Danvers did the show  in. Or if a curse hangs over the production.  What are the bets, girls????????? I am betting we never get to see it, which is a shame, because I think this  has the potential for becoming the next flop EVERYONE will have wanted to see, since the original "Carrie!!!!!!!"

                                              But that can't be judged till someone sees it.  So, while the best is wished for "Rebecca," I am not holding out much hope.  Joan Fontaine must be shaking with laughter!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 I just hope we can get a refund!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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