Friday, September 21, 2012

The Second Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Who among us now living can not remember when the face pictured above first became familiar??????????

                                         I will be away for the weekend, darlings, so, since the Second Anniversary Of Tyler Clementi's Passing is actually tomorrow, I am acknowledging it today.

                                        I want all my girls to send out thoughts and prayers for Tyler, but also for those who feel themselves trapped in the same way.  And most especially, the Clementis, for whom this time of year has got be the most painful.

                                        Tomorrow marks two years that Tyler Clementi made the irrevocable decision that effected not just he and his family, but an entire Generation.  And because of it, for many of us, Autumn will never be the same.

                                          So, tomorrow, I want you all to remember Tyler in your own special way, think of his family, and pray for all those other Tylers still out there!

                                            May those still struggling survive to keep on smiling, as sweetly as Tyler once did!

                                              Amen, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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