Friday, September 21, 2012

The Danger Of Gay Republicans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Sooner or later, girls, you knew I was going to find my own way of getting in on the whole Mitt Romney "victim" thing.  Not much I can add there, because this guy has pretty much toasted himself alive, with that statement.  However, there is an inhumane breed out there, who may still vote for him in spite of it all, and, let me tell you, they are DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I am talking about Gay Republicans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     If anything, they are even worse than Straight Republicans!!!!!!!!!  Why??????????

                                    Straight Republicans have one thing in their favor--they are honest and up front about what they believe, what they are against in political matters, be they gay or straight related.  When you deal with one, you know exactly what you are dealing with.

                                      Not so the Gay Republicans.  They say they want all the rights and amenities that other members in their community want--except then they go out and vote for those very people who are against them!!!!!!!!!!!  What sense does that make???? It doesn't!!!!!!!

                                       Let me give you a composite picture of Gay Republicans, New York style.  You see them all over--at Met galas, at the opera, where they go into paroxysms of ecstasy over the mad scene in 'Lucia,' or getting all the in-jokes at the latest Broadway offering.  But then they go home to their six or seven figure priced Manhattan luxury condo, have a glass of wine with brie or Canberra cheese, go to their windows with the gorgeous view, turn up their noses like wannabe Clifton Webbs, and look down on everyone else in the community who is not exactly what they are!!!!!!!!!!  And if that means economically stepping over their fellow gays, just to maintain THEIR lifestyle, then that is just fine with them!!!!!!!!!!
So, they vote Republican!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     It's sort of like Diane Dykeman, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!  You just cannot be sure what you are dealing with!!!!!  If Diane had turned out to be gay, I am sure she would be a Republican!!!!!!!!
Hell, she is living in Georgia, a Red State, right now, so she could very well be.  It would not surprise me one bit!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Gay Republicans are dangerous, girls, because they know how to talk the talk, then stab everyone else in the back, as long as it serves themselves.  If you are going to the theater tonight, watch out, you could be sitting next to one!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        And this is one time garlic or wolf bane will not help!

                                        Here is what will--when the time comes vote AGAINST them!!!!!!!!!!!

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