Monday, September 24, 2012

This Book Does NOT Kick Ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Actually, darlings, it does not kick much of anything.  The final novel in the Lisbeth Salander trilogy is one big bore, because it leaves her, for pretty much of the book, stranded in a hospital bed, while all around every plot contrivance, from governmental conspiracy, to an editor being stalked by someone who resented her in high school (come on, now!!!!!!), is going on.  It is not until the last section of the book--one hundred pages or less--that the reader gets the kick ass Salander that everyone loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Poor Stieg Larsson died shortly after this last book was complete.  But you have to wonder--was he, perhaps, getting tired of it all????  The resolution at the end is extremely satisfying, but the reader is left to wonder.  Had Larsson lived on, would there have been any more, if at least one more, Salander book????????  Judging from the results here, I would have to say no; not only does he seem tired of the character, he seems to feel he used up all her grit in the first two books.

                                        At 658 pages, the book is far too long, and it needs editing.  There is so much padding that it produces in one a sense of impatience; just get on with it.  If my loyalty had not been built based on the first two books, I am not sure I would have finished this one.  But with the time invested, I had to see this one to its conclusion, no matter how uneven the journey.

                                      Which pretty much sums up the impact of the book.  If, for some reason, a reader comes to this book first, they will wonder what  all the fuss is about.  Those who have read the first two, and know, will find the third a tremendous letdown.

                                        It is a no win situation, darlings!  Unless one counts finishing the book as a victory!!!!!!!!!!

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