Tuesday, September 4, 2012

This Is Not About The Beatles, Girls, But...............

                            ......there is a rather slight connection, which is why I make reference to them in this post.

                                    Sunday eve, after what was a very relaxing day, Monsieur and I decided to dine at the place pictured above, the Greenhouse Cafe!  It was absolutely charming, with 1940s style dining rooms, French door windows, and white tablecloths.  Like walking into another era, which is just fine by me, darlings, because, when it comes to class and manners, darlings, this era sucks!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       We had dined heavily the night before, at our favorite Italian eatery, Vesurvio. So we decided to go light at the Greenhouse. But, let me tell you, darlings, this is the sort of place you want to return to on a cold Winter's night, because so many of the meat and vegetable dishes are enshrouded in Hollandaise or Bearnaise sauce.   A little faux French cuisine never hurt anyone, loves!!!!!
Better this, than the Olive Garden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           So, what did we have?  Monsieur had the broiled seafood platter, with rice and mixed veggies.  I had the rice and mixed veggies, but a Chicken Francaise, that was so buttery it was heaven!!!!!  We were filling up before we were halfway through our meal.

                                             Which was the point at which all things connected.  Into our dining room came this ersatz couple.  The man looked like John Lennon on the "Hey, Jude!" album cover, seen above, except he was also clutching an ice pack to his head!!!!!!!!!  The woman was slovenly, heavy, (I did not really get a good look at her, but Monsieur, who was facing them, did, and this was the impression gleaned!!!!) and had sagging breasts that, if perky enough, might have outdone Dolly Parton!!!!!!!  But she did not look like the kind who could afford to cosmeticize, like Dolly!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               In fact, I am not sure if they could afford anything on the menu at all. Almost immediately after sitting down, they ordered a beer, and, I can tell you, it was neither's first beer of the day!  Nor the last!  They began to talk, argue and harangue in a level, that, had others been seated, would have annoyed the customers, and maybe gotten them booted outta there!  But with just Monsieur and myself there, it was perversely entertaining!

                                                  Only snatches of dialogue were caught--"Why don't you look at me?"
"I'm gonna go and sit at the bar?"  "I'm not giving you five thousand dollars, so you can meet some prick!"  Real class, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     They were loud, and, I think, inebriated, to the point where they had no idea they were causing such a ruckus.  I felt sorry for the staff who had to wait on them, and I wonder, if, after we shortly left, they were booted outta there!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Because, when we got outside, we surreptitiously peeked through the window at their table, to see what was going on.  By this point, the fight had escalated, both were shouting, and the man was standing, and I feared any second things would come to blows!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            To top this off, Monsieur gave the impression that the bar stools were a row of women seated across, like the dance hall girls in "Sweet Charity!"  He said when we walked by, we were eyed!   "Why?, " I asked?  "Were they fag hags?"  According to him they were looking for pickups, and we looked prime!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              Which made me laugh, because, honeys, if you have read this blog long enough, or even this far for your first time, you must know these ladies would be barking up the wrong trees!!!!!!!!!!!  I mean, why else would I call myself, "The Raving Queen?????"

                                                                   However, don't let this derail you from the charm and cuisine of the Greenhouse Cafe.  I don't know if these two are regulars; hopefully they are not, but if so, next time I would simply request they or we be moved to another location!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                      They would do much better, over at the Three Jolly Pigeons!!!!!!!!  However, maybe they had already been thrown out of there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                         "Doo Judah, judah, judah, judah, judah, judah, judah, judah, judah, judah, judah...Owwwwwwwwwwwww  Wowwwwwwwwwwwww!"

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