Monday, September 3, 2012

Adventures In Bay Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Girls, I wouldn't be completely honest, if I did not tell you all about the act of heroism my beloved Monsieur did this past Saturday, actually saving a woman's life!!!!!!!!!!

                           We had just come from seeing the Borscht Belt horror film, "The Possession," at the Alpine, and were walking up Fifth Avenue, when we saw a middle-aged woman standing, and a much older one in a wheel chair.  I do not know the status of their relationship, though it was clear they were together.  The woman is standing around, I thought (actually, she had stopped to light a cigarette!!!!) and, before my horrified eyes, the wheel chair, just like the baby carriage, seen above, from the Odessa Steps sequence in "Potemkin," began rolling down the inclined sidewalk, heading for the curb, where it would have either landed the old woman flat, or sent her flying into the street, getting her injured, or, most probably, killed!  I screamed, and before I could move, Monsieur--with his weak ankle, yet!!!!!!!!----ran to the chair, grabbed onto the handles, and prevented tragedy in the nick of time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            There was thanks all around, but no remuneration.  Not that we were looking for any, but, hell, it would have been nice!  But, as you know, I am always one with an opinion, and what I want to know is, what was that woman doing lighting that cigarette, at that precise time, and in that precise location???? Because if we hadn't happened along, there might have been a Death On Fifth Avenue!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Are you kidding?????  More like Murder!!!! Because, how do we know the woman with the cigarette wasn't trying to kill the other?????????  I know how to deal with these types!!!!!!!!  I've watched enough "Investigation Discovery," and this to me looked like trouble.  If someone had filmed it as evidence, we might have gone to the cops, and sent this Granny Killer to the slammer!!!!!!!!!!  And, of course, if I hear of any sudden elderly female deaths in Bay Ridge, I will wonder!!!!!!!!!!

                             See what happens, loves???????  The minute you don't go looking for adventure, it comes after you!!!!!!  This is plenty for me, thank you!!!!!!!!!!  Perhaps the moral is not so much to avoid Fifth Avenue, which would be impossible, but to avoid crappy horror movies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            From now on, I am sticking with "Slaughter On Tenth Avenue," girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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