Monday, September 3, 2012

Darlings, What's The Story With Paula Zahn??????????

                            Last night, lambs, was the Season Finale of "On The Case With Paula Zahn," which I just HAD to see!!!!!  It was something; about this 1978 murder of this affluent Florida businessman named John Mack Allaman, Jr.  Who had a son, John III, in college.  He was stabbed in his own home, presumably in his own bed, and his case had gone cold for years.

                            Now, before you start wondering any further, like I did, let me say that, from all indications, John was not only straight, but a Straight Arrow.  Lost his wife when their son was a child, raised the kid by himself, pillar of the community, the kind of person who never drank anything stronger than orange juice, or milk!!!!!!!!!  You know, like Anita Bryant pretended to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             He was also a humanitarian; you could say he was the Sister Simplice of Bird Key, the wealthy, island community off Sarasota, he resided in.  He was one who would lend a hand to those down on their luck.  And this proved to be his downfall;on October 19, 1978, when he picked up a 29-year-old itinerant, named Kenneth Paul Auringer, a real sleazebag!  After John brought him home, gave him a home cooked meal, and lodging for the night,--again, I stress there was no evidence of "hanky panky"--this scum awoke in the middle of the night, and, having, presumably, cased the joint mentally, decided to rob and murder him, stabbing the sleeping man in his bed!!!!!!!!!  John awoke, made it to his glass doors, before Auringer stabbed again, this time, finishing the job.  The place was trashed, he made off with stuff, including John's car, which he ditched.  And, until 2009, even though a backpack and cigarette butts were left behind, it took 31 years to put this filth away, where he will now rot for the remainder of his days!!!!!!!  Good riddance!!!!!!!!  And let's hear it for John III, for having to live through this as a young man, but still being able to discuss it today!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Now, what has all this to do with Paula Zahn????????  Well, of course, she hosts the show!  It's not just that nose; after all these years, hers is one of the most famous of current show biz schnozzes!!!!!!!!!!!  But there are so many things I wonder about!!!!!!!!!!

                           How the mighty have fallen!!!!!!!!!!!  I can recall when Paula Zahn seemed to be on the rise, on the fast track at CBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  From that, to a now pulp journalism crime show???????  I mean, if I did one; fine!!!!!!!!!!  I was never on the fast track at CBS!!!!!!!!!  But Paula????????????

                             And her performance is close to Camp!!!!  I mean, she is SO earnest about these trashy crime cases!!!!!!!!!!  It is like she is attempting to enact the role of Meryl Streep As Serious Journalist!!!!!!!!
Give it a rest, Paula!!!!!!!!!!!!  We love your show, but recognize you're working for a media rag, not crime reporting for the Washington Post!!!!!!!!!!!  If Truman Capote were alive, dolls, he would have fits of laughter over this, while downing a bottle of bourbon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Get real, Paula!!!!!!!!!!!  Admit the honesty of what you are doing, and stop taking  it, and yourself too seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Like me!!!!!!!!!!!  Come on, now!!!!!!!!!!!  Do you really think I believe this blog to be Proust???????????????

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