Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Special Salute To Georgia Jean LaRue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Why do I even think of these things, darlings????  I guess, like Mrs. Lovett says in "Sweeney Todd," "Bright ideas just pop into my head!"

                               I got to thinking the other day about Georgia Jean LaRue.  Now, I will not blame any of my girls, if they do not recognize the name, BUT I am  sure some out there will have a vague recognition of the photo, and, once I tell you the whole thing, you will say, "Oh, yes!"

                                 This is Georgia, pictured above, performing in the 1937 Little Rascals short, "Reunion In Rhythm."  This is the one where the Adams Elementary School has a reunion, with older members of Our Gang--like Stymie, Mickey Daniels and Mary Lawrence--attending a sit down luncheon, while the reigning members perform a revue.

                                 The revue features three standout moments.  The first is a running gag, where Buckwheat, meant to announce the acts, but wanting to perform, keeps trying to recite the nursery rhyme, "Little Jack Horner."   The other, which I adore, is a sketch called "The Toy Shop At Midnight.," where the store is closed, and out of two gift boxes step Darla, dressed as a baby doll, and Porky, as a toy soldier, a la  "Babes In Toyland."  One of them has a big lollipop.  Sitting beside one another, on toy blocks, Darla does the most enchanting rendition of the song "Baby Face" I have heard to this day.

                                 Georgia's moment comes at the end.  Alfalfa is a hayseed farmer, content with how things are.  He is engaged to marry "Mirandy," played by Georgia.  But she will have none of it.  Explaining such, she walks out on him--the King of Crooners, darlings!!!!--but not before she brings down the house with a show stopping rendition of the song, "I'm Going Hollywood!"

                                  Now, you are all nodding, darlings!  Yes, Georgia was that girl!!!!!!  I have to tell you, the very first time I saw this, when I was a little kid, I thought Georgia was a grown woman, or at least a teenager, which, when you are a little kid, amounts to the same thing.  She was a good head taller than Alfalfa, and the voice that came out of this girl was not that of a child--she sounded like a full grown woman!!!!  Looking at it now, with my film acumen, she bears somewhat of a resemblance to Jane Withers, with the voice of a young Betty Hutton!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Which begs the question--why didn't this remarkable child go any further????.  She only appeared in another famous Little Rascals short, almost everyone's favorite, the classic "Our Gang Follies Of 1938."  In Club Spanky, after Darla sings "The Love Bug Will Get You If You Don't Watch Out," she zaps this patron couple with her wand.  Georgia is the wife, and she gets up, and, in that Huttonsque voice,  sings "That Foolish Feeling In My Heart."

                                  To this day, I cannot hear or sing "I'm Going Hollywood," without being influenced by Georgia, who, according to research, is still alive, and living somewhere in Tennessee.  Many ex-child stars have written or discoursed on the careers they had; Georgia should speak on the career she SHOULD have had--and why she didn't.

                                   So, the next time you see these segments, on TV, YouTube, or DVD, remember that is Georgia Jean LaRue you are seeing and hearing!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hers was a star that should have risen!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Meanwhile, girls, mine is just breaking over the mountains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thank you for paying tribute to GJL's incredible talent. I have always wondered why she did not make it big. I never heard another voice like Georgia Jean's until Lena Zavaroni came along.

  2. Thank you for paying tribute to GJL's incredible talent. I have always wondered why she did not make it big. I never heard another voice like Georgia Jean's until Lena Zavaroni came along.

  3. As of this date she was still alive.

  4. How this for a 12 year old's voice?
    How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm?

  5. Wonderful, that you recognize and remember this wonderful girl. She fascinates me - as much for her talent in those two Our Gang shorts as for her utter disappearance from the Hollywood scene afterward. I have searched and searched, and found nothing. How do you know/suspect she is alive and well and living in Tennessee? I would LOVE to read a full story about her.

  6. Gurl, I am so with ya on this Georgia Jean LaRue thing. She is FABULOUS in both shorts. But it's her complete disappearance after these that REALLY sets my curiosity ablaze. I have searched and searched the internet, but only come across a few vague, unverifiable rumors. I would love to hear the full story.

  7. The Our Gang alum are Mickey Daniels, Mary Kornman (not Lawrence), Joe Cobb and Stymie Beard. Rosina Lawrence is the teacher. I do like GJLaR's songs in her two shorts, but does anybody know what happened to her afterwards? I can't find anything on the 'Net...

  8. You still curious about Georgia?

  9. Thanks to all who responded. And congrats Mike on knowing--remembering--Lena Zavaroni. Now, what ever happened to her?

  10. Wow, thank you, thank you, thank you for those most favorable reviews. Georgie is my Godmother. Yes she resides in Tennessee. I will give you more should she agree...


  11. Unknown,
    Glad to hear she is alive,
    and would love to hear more!

  12. Please please PLEASE Unknown, get your godmother's story for us. Her voice fairly EXPLODES in those two Little Rascal shorts, and I have been curious about her for fifty years. Let her know, she still brings joy to the hearts of many, which is pretty amazing, considering she made them EIGHTY YEARS AGO. Truly, time is running out. God Bless Georgia Jean LaRue.


  13. Unknown,

    I second all that you say!

  14. My dad was Ken (Kermit) Lane, Dean Martin's long time piano player and arranger (you can see him on the Dean Martin show. He also wrote Dean's signature song "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime"
    My dad married Georgie sometime around 1976. He died in 1996. Georgie is still alive and lives in Franklin TN.

    Robin Lane

  15. Robin Lane Rocks,

    Such a share, thanks so much.
    Impressed he wrote Dean's song;
    I recall it all over the air
    waves at the time.

    Sorry your dad is gone, but
    glad Georgie is still alive!
    She had such talent!

  16. I simply wish to know, to which address I should write,
    in order to request an autographed picture, from Ms. Larue
    using a self-addressed stamped envelope.

    Sincere regards,
    Amit Kshirsagar
    1731 Weatherstone Drive
    Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108
    (734) 834-3784

  17. Amit Kshirsagar,

    If I had it, I would give it to you.
    But I have no access. You might check
    whom she was married to, then go on
    a people search for someone named
    Georgia with that last name, and try
    that! She is still alive!

  18. Sad to report that Georgia Jean died 2 days ago, July 28, 2021, at age 93. RIP.

  19. Unknown,
    Thanks so much for that info.
    I had not heard. What a great
    talent. Rest In Peace, indeed.
