Friday, October 5, 2012

More 'Chorus Line' Excitement From Paper Mill, Loves!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Anyone of my girls out there who saw the documentary "Every Little Step," chronicling the audition process for the 2006 Broadway revival of "A Chorus Line--and, sweeties, if you have NOT seen it, you damn well better, because you are missing out on one of the greatest documentaries ever made--will remember two heart rending scenes.

                                                 One was the audition of Jason Tam, for the role of Paul, who seemed to tear up everyone in the room, including yours truly (when I saw it on film, darlings; I was not in that room, though how I wish I had been!!!!!!!) and Bob Avian, who was there.  Jason was cast on the spot, and I saw him in the revival, and he did a wonderful job.

                                                  The other involved the casting of the crucial part of Sheila.  Now, you know what I have always said, dolls, all gay men are Sheila; they have to be, in order to survive.  But a male Sheila???????  Not really, and besides, if there IS a male Sheila on the line, it is Bobby, who happens to be friends with Sheila.  Deirdre Goodwin did a fabulous job of playing her in the 2006 revival, but in the documentary is seen this other girl, who in look, deportment and technique, seems to be SO Sheila that it is inconceivable she was not cast in the role.

                                                      The girl was Rachelle Rak.  Apparently, she gave a wonderful audition, so much so she was asked to the final callback.  Casting director Jay Binder was lobbying for her, and I can understand why.  She just seemed born to play this part.  However, at the second, final audition, there was something she did at the first one that caught the eye of everyone, but she was not able to duplicate that.  I recall a moment where Bob Avian tells her she went to "a very vulnerable place" that she should not have. Which is interesting, because, despite her tough broad persona, Sheila IS vulnerable; her brashness, for want of a better word, is her defense against wearing her vulnerability openly.  There is absolutely no question that Sheila is vulnerable.

                                                         So maybe Rachelle showed that too much at the audition.  Was it pressure?  Nerves?????  Whatever the reason, it cost her the role to Deirdre Goodwin; there is that heartbreaking scene, where Rachelle pointedly asks Bob Avian if she is going to get it, and he tells her no.
It is a hard scene to watch, and everyone, including Bob, who has to deliver this news, is not happy.  Anyone who has gone up for anything can feel Rachelle's pain right there.  And if you have not seen this film yet,, and do, I guarantee, that when you get to this scene, you WILL feel Rachelle's pain.

                                                           As they say, darlings, that was then, and this is now!!!!!!!!!  Because this Sunday, when Monsieur and I enter the Paper Mill to view what will be my 38th performance of "A Chorus Line," Rachelle Rak will now be playing the role of Sheila, and, honey, I am telling you, I cannot wait.  Plus another "Every Little Step" alum, Jessica Lee Goldyn, who starred as Val in the 2006 Broadway revival, will now be assuming the role of Cassie, which she did the final week of the revival's run in New York. I did not catch her Cassie, then, but I am looking forward to it, now, albeit with some nervousness.  I am not at all worried about her voice or dance technique, but I still say that, at 27, Jessica is a bit young to be playing Cassie, and I wonder if she is setting some kind of a record here in being the youngest actress to play the part in a professional production.

                                                              But, as my girls know, "A Chorus Line" is..well..."A Chorus Line," and it is sure  to work its magic.  As one who considers himself privileged to have seen the legendary Original Cast, when it was something no one ever heard of, it is fascinating how, if you are a dancer coming up, it becomes part of your repertoire.  I doubt there is a single cast member in it who could not dance the opening combination by the time they were in high school or college; it is taught often. It is now ingrained into the dancers' bloodstreams so that, when one sees a production of the show, now, there are very few, if any, cast members, who have not previously been exposed to some aspect of the show already, especially if they have danced from a very young age.

                                                               So, Sunday should be a very special day--Rachelle, Jessica, the passing of Marvin Hamlisch.......girls, the excitement is overwhelming.  I will see you there, and don't be square!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                There may still be a lot I am not certain of. But not where "A Chorus Line" is concerned.

                                                                   See you Sunday, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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