Friday, October 5, 2012

These Two Are Taking The High Road, Darlings!!!!!!!!!

                                         The latest news on the Tyler Clementi front  is that his parents,. Joe and Jane Clementi, will no longer seek to sue Rutgers University or former roommate Dahrun Ravi.  Instead, they will concentrate on the foundation they have organized not only to honor their son, but to help others struggling with bullying, avoiding the senseless tragedy they were forced to endure.

                                           You have to hand it to these two, dolls!  A real class act--not our for blood or money!  And while I agree with them that the sentence handed out to Mr. Ravi was far too lenient, I am  going to follow their example and not dwell on that, or demonizing he and Molly Wei, but seeing what can be done for others.  Tyler would be so proud of his parents, and I am sure he is, from somewhere.  He could not have anticipated what his random act would have spawned.  But  it did, and the groundswell still gains.

                                               I want all my girls facing issues and people they would like to demonize to step back and think about the example the Clementis are setting.  I want you to think about what you can do for the Tyler Clementi Foundation--even if you just send them $5 or $10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 And Joe Clementi, Tyler's father, is speaking out on all things related the night of October 25, in Scotch Plains at the CONTACT We Care Gala.  Hey, LGBT Center in New York, being one of the world centers for gay men and women--this IS one of the places young like minded people escape to, darlings!!!!!!!!--would you think about getting Mr. Clementi on this side of the river, so we could hear him, and acknowledge him, as well????????????  I think it is high time The Center served as a venue for the Clementis.  If only Tyler had made use of their resources...ah, well!!!!!!!

                                                    So, lamb chops, I am telling you, before you file a lawsuit over what you think some bitch did to you, think about the example the Clementis are setting before giving in to the understandable emotional temptation to go ballistic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      And for those still struggling out there--help is available.  Even if it means tapping in to your Inner Barbra!!!!!!!!!  Or, in the case of a younger generation, maybe Lady Gaga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Congratulations, Joe and Jane, on being such a class act!!!!!!!!!!!!

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