Thursday, October 4, 2012

Doesn't This Just Look Appetizing, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               And I am not merely talking about the delicious food being put out on the table.  I am talking about the chef himself, namely Stanley Tucci.  And doesn't he just look adorable in his polka dot apron???????????

                                 Would you believe, right before shooting "Julie and Julia," Mr. Tucci turned to the Divine MERYL, and said, "We need to cook together."  And she agreed!!!!!!!!!!  I am telling you, not only can MERYL do anything, she knows when and who from to learn her craft!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Actually, having Stanley coming to my place, and cooking for me has long been a fantasy of mine.  As it has of many of my girls out there; I am sure about that!!!!!!!   And now he has TWO people to come to my place and cook for--Monsieur and myself!!!!!  I would love him to wear what he is wearing above.  Or just the polka dot apron will do.  Hell, I'm not particular!!!!!!!!!!

                                       You can bet I am going to try and follow his recipes.  I may even buy "The Tucci Cookbook," which is to be published next week.

                                          Imagine, a kitchen filled with delectable aromas--and Stanley Tucci cooking it all!!!!!!!!!  If MERYL can make room for him, you know I can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Who needs the Feast Of San Gennarro, when there is Stanley Tucci????????

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