Friday, October 26, 2012

But Who Will Play The Grace Kelly Role, Darlings???????

                                Girls, I am telling you, the idiocy does not stop!!!!!!!!  After all the debacle surrounding the non-staging of the musicalization of "Rebecca," another Hitchcock vehicle has been selected for adaptation to the stage.  What good news there is comes in the knowledge that, at least, it won't be a musical.

                                 I am talking about "Rear Window."

                                 Again, the film is so perfect, why even try????????  But does sanity prevail on
the Rialto??????? After Julie Taymor and Diane Paulus, one cannot always be sure!!!!!!!!

                                   What I want to know is, who is going to play the Grace Kelly role???????
And what kind of set will be constructed, so that you get the other inhabitants, without losing the intimacy of the piece???????  Like, can that even be done????????  Maybe the designer of the Broadway production of "August: Osage County," should have left that set standing, and then, with some alterations, just used it for "Rear Window!"

                                     Oh, and before I get too far along, if this does get mounted, I want to play the role of Miss Lonelyhearts!!!!!!!!!  I played it in real life for nearly 30 years, so I have a lot to draw upon.  And, no, I am not claiming that I could even approach the brilliance of Judith Evelyn in the role, but, what with me, on November 7, playing a repressed spinster in Tennessee William's "Lord Byron's Love Letter,"  if the creators of this show want to see me in that, this could be used as my audition, the way Jessica Tandy in "Portrait Of A Madonna" used that to snare 'Streetcar.'  As far as I am concerned, the chance for me to play Miss Lonelyhearts is the only thing that justifies adapting "Rear Window" to the stage!

                                      Which does not mean it will pan out!!!!!!!!!!  While I don't think anyone too soon is going to repeat the Ponzi scheme that was "Rebecca," I cannot imagine critics being kind to a mounting  of this classic.  But, darlings, Miss Lonelyhearts  is the kind of part that gets one noticed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, while I do not have much hope for this production of "Rear Window," I am excited about the potential of enacting a role I am suited for!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Grace Kelly, indeed!!!!!!!!! As if anyone could dress replace her!!!!!!! And the costumes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Speaking of costumes, I will have to have some designed. Can't wait to wear those Fifties spinster digs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I will also need a dresser for backstage, and I am telling you all right now who I want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                I want Grace Coddington, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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