Monday, October 29, 2012

Darlings, It Simply MADE The Social Season!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Well, girls, after over five months, two pieces of furniture on the way, and an impending hurricane reigning down on us, Monsieur and I finally held our housewarming.  Of course, there were some cancellations, and some who could not make it, but those who did seemed to have a wonderful time.  Everyone seemed impressed by the place--now, let's hope it stands, with no major damage!!!!!--and food and drink flowed full force!!!!!  My friend, Steven wins the prize for longest distance traveled, driving all the way in from Ewing Township, New Jersey, not far from Trenton.  And he bought the most charming gifts--a Fighting Nun puppet (who bears a strong and disturbing resemblance to my late Aunt Katty!!!) , and a series of circular New York City photo decals that can be hung on the wall.  Which were last night.  Monsieur's Uncle Ernest came, and, while still a character, was fairly low keyed in the face of all the people gathered.  David's friend, Florence, who is 70+, came in the most glamorous black dress, with lacy shoulders, and looked rather fetching.  Even my Inner BARBRA made a brief appearance, managing to get in some choruses of "I'm All Smiles," and "Second Hand Rose!!!!!!!"

                                     It was a memorable event for the two of us, and it will certainly be memorable for all, historically, for being held on the eve of what has already been called, thanks to its proximity to Halloween, the Frankenstorm!!!!!!  As time goes on, everyone will remember the housewarming because of this!!!!!!!!!!

                                    But I shall remember all those who trekked out in this incipient storm--Danny, Tom,
Jim and Jeff, Kathy, Linda and Marilyn (and Linda's outfit was stunning, darlings!!!!!!!!!), our beloved Auntie Alvin (minus Lorraine and yeast infections!!!!), our Mermaid Parade compatriots, Kris, Gerry and Judy, the legendary Bruce, and, of course, in true Dolly Levi fashion, Saul!!!!!!!!!

                                     Am I missing anyone?????????  If I am, I apologize, loves, because, let me tell you , it is not easy being a hostess!!!!  You have to move about, talk to everyone, and, honeys, I had hardly a chance to nosh down on all the delicious food and drink we had, though I did manage a fee nibbles here and there!!!!!!!!!   And while there was some left over, not as much as you might think!!!!!!

                                       Clearly, the event was a success, capped off by an evening visit from Ellen, which was a perfect way to end things!!!!!!!!  And gave Ellen a chance to partake of all the luscious goodies!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        So, here we are, girls, officially settled in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         But where were the Castevets????????????????????????????


1 comment:

  1. Actually, we are in Hamilton NJ a short distance from Ewing Township. Despite the short distance the difference could be as vast as that between Upper Bay Ridge and Lower Bay Ridge. You will need to educate me on this. I'm glad you enjoyed the gifs and I enjoyed meeting David.
    Best to both you and your new home.
