Monday, October 29, 2012

Ride Out The Storm, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Batten down the hatches, darlings, because here we are, all snuggled in, like bugs in a rug.  Funny, how that phrase seemed so cute and meaningless when I was little, but now that I am an apartment dweller, it takes on whole new connotations!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               The wind is howling outside, already-- I should pull "Wuthering Heights" off the shelf, and read it!!!!!!--yet they say the storm has  not hit yet.  Talk about being in a holding pattern!!!!!!!!
But, with work and even Broadway--Broadway, darlings!!!!!!!!  Ethel Merman must be spinning in her grave!!!!--shut down, what else can we do, but enjoy the time off, be grateful for having a roof over our heads, and praying that it stays, as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                And Halloween is literally just around the corner.  Or, as the Daily News called it yesterday, thanks to the storm, "Hell-Oween!!!!!!!!"  Let's hope we have power, so we can celebrate that eve by watching the Jamie Lee Curtis classic!!!!!!!!!!  With P. J. Soles, the reigning Screen Bitch of the day, as Lynda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 So, I want to make sure all my girls out there are safe!!!!!!!  While there is power, put on a couple of BARBRA CD's,  sit back, and chill, with a couple of drinks--Bellinis in the  morning, Bloody Marys in the afternoon, and Margaritas in the evening.  Even if you have only one of each, by evening, you will either feel like you are BARBRA yourself, or shopping in Bergdorf's!!!!!!!!!!!  And you will be safer!!!!!!!!!

                                 No bargain sales today, girls!!!!!!!!  Relax, and get sloshed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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