Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Darlings, We Just Love Mary Tyler Moore In This Role!!!!!!!!!

                                   Girls, remember Sante Kimes????????  She was the grifter mom who psycholosexually enslaved her son, Kenny, into doing anything she says!  One of those things was murdering New York wealthy eccentric Irene Silverman!!!!!!!  Talk about Mother Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  When it comes to matriarchal evil, Sante is in the Top Ten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Which is why we just LOVE her!!!!!!!!!!  Just like we loved Mary Tyler Moore, when she played Sante in the 2001 telefilm, "Like Mother, Like Son!!!!!!"  This is one story that should be turned into a Broadway musical!!!!!  I can see it now-- "Sante!  The Musical!"  Starring Patti LuPone, who would just be perfect!!!!!!!!!  Though, after playing "Evita," would she want to play this????  Maybe Charles Busch, then!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, honey, I am telling you, you could really camp this one up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    And wouldn't it be fun to visit Sante in the slammer, hang out in her cell, chat, and have tea????  Bet Sante could tip me off to a few Get Rich Quick Schemes!!!!!!!!  Maybe she should be cell mates with Bernie Medoff!!!!!!!!  Bet that would make Avaricious Ruth jealous!!!!!!!!!!

                                    But you gotta hand it to Mary for playing Sante!!!!!!  Quite a leap from Miss Dorothy!!!  Who would have thought she had it it in here????????

                                    This Sante was NO Saint, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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