Tuesday, October 30, 2012

To Think, Darlings, That I Am Six Degrees From THIS!!!!!!!!

                           Rest assured, girls, not by relation, but by the mildest of association!!!!!!  Listen up!!!!!!

                           Back in early October, 1994 (can you believe that was 18 years ago??????) my father,
niece and nephew, Jennifer and Jonathan, (before marriage to their respective spouses!!!!) took an overseas trip to Ireland.  My first one!!!!!!!!  It was an evening flight, but what a morning. Just days before, my cousin (and my sister's by blood) Henry, had passed away, at 56 (an age I still could not conceive of for myself, and look now!!!!!!!!!!) --and his funeral was that morning.  Which meant I would have had to haul all my stuff from Woodside, where I was then living, to Red Bank/Rumson, New Jersey, where the funeral would be.  Which meant I could not go, which is still upsetting, looking back, since I was fond of Henry.  So, when the time came, I hightailed it to LaGuraeida Airport, which was only ten minutes from my apartment, met my father, niece and nephew, and off we went to Ireland!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Most  of our activities were confined to Dublin, but we did stray out of there a couple of times. And one of these trips was to visit a family related to us, the Carrolls, headed by Dan and Patricia. They lived 14 miles out, on a huge sixty acre estate called Donacomper (which means "by the waters," as there were bodies of water on the property), as well as a horse farm and school, run by Dan's son David, and his wife Pauline.  Their other son, Brendan, (whom I wanted to meet, very nice looking!!!!) was not there, working in Dublin, running a clothing factory, where a lot of the Carroll fortune came from, and having his own pied a terre in town!!!!!!  Uhm-hm!!!!!!!!!!!!  You know what that means, darlings!!!!!!!!!!! Cousin Brendan and I would definitely have seen eye to eye!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Donacomper was lovely, green, verdant, with the main residence being a sixty-four roomed castle!  It was like stepping into one of those nineteenth century novels I love so much!!!!!!!!!!
Only, this was 1994!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Now, get this--this estate (I don't know if Dan and Patricia brought it from them directly) was at one time the summer home of--the DuPont family.   Yes, girls, THOSE DuPonts!!!!!!!!!!  Which brings us to my rather minuscule, but significant connection, to what follows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            That Pati Margello, girls, I am telling you!!!!!!!  A real trashy piece of garbage from the streets of Philly; the Kensington section, no doubt--and a grifter, hooker and drug addict to boot.  Let me tell you, when she met Dean MacGuigan, once she learned he was related to the DuPonts (his mother, Lisa, was a DuPont heiress!!!!!!!!!!), she latched onto him like a leech on to fresh, human skin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Dean and Pati both were a couple of losers.  He was a ne'er do well, to begin with, and she was the kind who would make someone from Goat Alley seem classy!!!!!!!!!!!  Why couldn't she have just opened a pizzeria???????

                             It was easy enough for Dean to fall under the influence of alcohol and drugs, but then, Pati only made things worse  by sashaying her chassy and using drugs and drink herself, to drag Dean down further.

                             His parents could not stand this piece of trash, and I agree.  So, Lisa's hubby, Christopher Mosley, hired this washed up porn thing named Diana Hironga, and two male accomplices, to take out Dean and Pati.  As things turned out, only Pati got it!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             And this is where it all went down, at the trashy Del Mar Motel, on the wrong side of the tracks of Las Vegas!!!!!!!!!  This reminds me of that motel in Jersey, just outside the Lincoln Tunnel, which advertises "movies" (uhm-hmm!!!!!!!) and special beds (yeah!!!!!!!!!), so you know what kind of action goes on there!!!!!!!   Just like at the Del Mar!!!!!!!!!  It would not surprise me if some folks went down over the years in Jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Anyway, Pati and Diana were trolling the casinos and clubs, looking for hooker action.  Diana hooks up  with her "cronies", and tells Pati they were going to the Del Mar, have a party, drinks, drugs, and, you damn well better believe, a menage a quatre!!!!!!!!!  Except, shrewd Pati caught on that something was up, and, though she fought valiantly, the men killed her, but that bitch Diana held her down!!!!!!!  But not before Pati grabbed Diana by the hair in the back, and just about pulled it out of her roots!!!!!!!  Good for you, girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           To think I am even remotely associated with this, but I am!!!!!!  But I do not want any of you girls to get the idea that I hang out in places like the Del Mar Motel!!!!!!!!  My most recent lodging was the Hotel Monteleone, in New Orleans, and, I don't go any lower than the Hampton Inn in Pennsylvania!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          And the late, great Dominick Dunne, did a piece on this for "Vanity Fair," back in 1999, which found its way into his essay collection book, "Justice."  Too bad Dominick and I never teamed up!!!
With his connections and my chutzpah bitchiness, what inroads we could have made, well-laying society!!!!!!!
Just think what mincemeat we could have made of the Dykemans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I am told Dominick had a show of his own on TV that was very much like "Behind Mansion Walls."  You know it was classier than that, because Dominick is the real thing, unlike that faux Christopher Mason, who always looks like like he either wants to get fisted,or needs a high colonic!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           But, remmeber, girls, I may be tangenially associated with all this, but I rise above it!!!!!!!!!

                           Strictly Miss Porter's, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



1 comment:

  1. Really, darling? And what you you know?
    Let's have tea, and dscuss it. Or maybe you would
    prefer a backwoods bar!
