Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Doesn't This Look Cheesy, Darlings??????????????

                               Sweethearts, "Rebecca" is kaput!  Monsieur and I have been assured by TeleCharge we will be getting an automatic refund, which I can tell you right now will go towards seeing the Roundabout's "Mystery Of Edwin Drood." Not that I am in love with that; I just want to see Jessie Mueller!!!!!!

                                 But, girls, just look at the above photo!  I am almost sorry we are not going to see this, but this looks like the trashiest thing this side of "Carrie."  That shadowed woman with the bustle; first of all no one wore a bustle during the time "Rebeca" is set.  Sure, Mrs. Van Hopper must have needed foundation and a girdle, but that is something else!!!!!!!!!  And just who is this shadowy thing supposed to be--Mrs. Danvers?  Rebecca?  A housekeeper would hardly dress like an aristocrat--not in MY house, loves!!!!!!!!--and Rebecca should not be seen, even in this form, because nothing can equal the glamour of the myth that is built around her by making her an unseen presence.

                                    So, yes, this may very well have been the cult flop of the season!  As it is now, it will never be.  But you can bet I am going to hang on to my tickets for "Rebecca" from hereon!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      They may come in handy, during my retirement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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