Tuesday, October 2, 2012

This Day In October Always Tends To Get Overlooked!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Girls, I am telling you, even if you were raised Catholic, there are some out there who may not even know about it, or remember it.  I am talking about today being the Feast Of The Guardian Angels.

                                         When I was a little thing, I had this little book called "My Guardian Angel," detailing that for every child born, an angel is assigned to watch over them on Earth.  And this includes adulthood, I believe; in which case some Guardian Angels really do work overtime.  I can't begin to tell you how many times I have made mine's eyes roll. But he has steered me straight to Monsieur, and for that I am eternally grateful.

                                         These Guardian Angels are the real thing, Heavenly emissaries, not the New York ones, with the red berets.  Though they deserve a feast day of their own too.

                                           How does one celebrate this feast??????   My little book said "The present your Guardian Angel likes best from you is to have you be good on this day and every day."  Well, yeah.  But sometimes that is not so easy, so I am recommending today a big bowl of spaghetti and meatballs and glass of Montepulciano!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             I wonder who they have to report to???????  I bet it is Meryl Streep!!!!!!!!

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