Monday, October 1, 2012

They Say It's The Best Show In Town, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                                   And to think--Monsieur and I are a part of it!!!!!!!!!

                                   Let me explain what I mean. Months back, we bought, online, tickets to the forthcoming musical, "Rebecca," which we looked forward to with great, if campy anticipation, figuring between trying to make a musical out of something that so cries out not to be a musical, and the sight of Manderly burning down onstage eight times a week, plus Karen Mason (good performer, Karen!!!!) as Mrs. Danvers--this had to be potentially the biggest cult camp flop classic since the original "Carrie" nearly a generation ago.

                                    But will we ever see it?  That is the question.  Originally, the show was supposed  to open in  the Spring.  Its two leads saw the writing on the wall, and fled. New leads were cast.  At this point, rehearsals, which were to start today, have been postponed, with some wags suggesting the show has been postponed for good, because producer Ben Sprecher--a real live wire, darlings--has been giving everyone the run around, when it comes to financing, the questionable life and death of certain backers, with the result that this show has become the catastrophe Talk Of The Town in a style unseen since "Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark."  One thing you have to give to Spidey though--it got mounted, and people did see it.  As I can attest.  It may have been a train wreck, but we did get to see it, and, as H.L. Mencken once said about the American public and taste, it is still running!!!!!!

                                    Monsieur and I are supposed to see "Rebecca" on the Sunday matinee, November 11, which is important, since it is exactly one week before my birthday.  It was gong to be kind of my birthday show.  Now, I am not sure of we will ever see it at all, or how to get one's money back, since we ordered online through Tele-Charge.

                                        I have had shows close on me before, and have gotten the money back.  But I have never had one supposed to play that didn't.  This would be a first.

                                          As the wags said, it is currently the best show in town!  And it is not over yet!!!!!!  You can be sure I will keep you posted, since I play, in a way, a role in this theatrical drama!!!!!!!!

                                           Someone needs to bring back Judith Anderson as Mrs. Danvers from the dead, and have her put Sprecher in his place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Manderly isn't the only thing burning right now, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Apparently, the investor who died (of Malaria no less!) never even existed. Sprecher made him up. A criminal investigation has started; the show is NOT coming, so you will certainly get your money back. I predict prison or possibly suicide for Sprecher. This story would make a great play in itself!


  2. TeleCharge already sent us an email saying our money will be automatically refunded. It will go toward the Roundabout's 'Drood,' because I want to see Jessie Mueller. I agree the whole "Rebecca" situation would make a great story in itself. And who knows, there may be more to come!
