Sunday, October 14, 2012

Girls, Bay Ridge Is Beginning To Embrace My Inner Barbra!!!!!!!!!

                             Really, darlings!  I am not kidding !  Listen to this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I have been trying to master the song "I'm All Smiles," all week. It is like putting a puzzle together, and I have three quarters of it, but I need a voice teacher to round it out.  He has to be a gay man, a real Theater Queen, who, first of all, would have heard of this song, as soon as I put the sheet music in front of him.  He also has to be open to my obsession with BARBRA, or, at least, being BARBRA, and interested in collaborating with me on an act I am putting together called, "Getting In Touch With My Inner BARBRA," which I would be willing to perform anywhere.  I mean, I would love Central Park, but a bar in Bay Ridge would be just fine.

                             So, girls, if you know someone who fits this bill, let me know.  Whether he is in Manhattan or Bay Ridge, it does not matter!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Anyway, Friday eve, after a long work week, Monsieur and I were winding down at one of our favorite eateries here, Vesuvio's.  I am telling you, darlings, their Linguine With White Clam Sauce is the best!!!!!!!!!!  My Inner BARBRA had been with me all day, but once I had had a couple of glasses of wine, she was REALLY there.  I was singing "I'm All Smiles" and "She Touched Me!," (the opening and closing numbers of my set, by the way!!!!) and by the time we were leaving the restaurant and out on the street, I was well into "I'm The Greatest Star!!!!!!!!"

                             Suddenly, just as we were about to cross the street, Monsieur asked I do "Don't Rain On My Parade."  I began, and I think I had gotten to "Don't tell me not to fly/I've simply got to," and we were halfway across the street, when we noticed this older woman on the corner of 74th and Third Avenue.
She had heard, I guess, or had stopped to listen, and, in great theatrical fashion, began a series of dance steps which stopped me in my tracks!!!!  I was so flattered!!!!!!!!!!!  And her movements weren't bad, either!!!!!  (She had to be in her Seventies!!!!!!!!)  Even Monsieur was as surprised as I was!!!!!!!!!!

                             Which just goes to show Bay Ridge is embracing my Inner BARBRA, which tells me I am on the right track.  So, follow my progress here, and, girls, if I get a venue, you will be the first to know!!!!!

                               And you can bet I won't charge any $600+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Plus, once I am done fugeddaabout BARBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               You hear that, BARBRA????????????????????????????????????????????

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