Monday, October 15, 2012

Darlings, Who Needs To See This Crap, When You Live It?????????

                               Girls, when the first "Paranormal Activity" film came out in 2007, I could not believe what an over hyped piece of crap I was forced to sit through. In fact, I almost got thrown out of the theater for laughing at  what was supposed to be the big payoff at the end!!!!!  So what????????  And it certainly did not endear me to seeing any more of these films, though, I am somewhat curious to see how bad they are.

                                But, darlings, I had my own paranormal experience the other night, so who needs this crap????????  There we were,  Monsieur and I, tucked in bed on Saturday eve, as always.  At around 3am, I had to get up for my usual bladder relief, and, as I came back into the bedroom, and was making my way to  my side of the bed, which necessitated passing the television set, it suddenly went on, as I walked by.  It was so creepy; just like "Poltergeist, " loves!!!!!!  I should have gone up to the screen with my hands placed on it, like the late Heather O'Rourke, as Carol Ann, and cooed, "They're here!!!!!!!!!"  Who knows what was going on that night???????????

                               And no, loves, I was not drinking, nor had I been smoking weed, or tripping.   I still have no explanation for it, though Monsieur thinks the clicker was left on the floor, and  I accidentally stepped on it. But, I am telling you, lambs, I felt no object in my path; I walked across a smooth, carpeted rug, as I usually do when going back to bed at this time.

                                Was it some sort of adverse reaction to not being able to go to the BARBRA concert?????????   I don't think so, because I had been singing my Inner BARBRA all weekend, which is a tribute of sorts to her, so, while I would have liked to been at Barclay's, I really have no sour grapes.  Especially since I am planning my own BARBRA program--the kind where EVERYONE can afford to attend.

                                   What did I have for dinner that night?  I think we ate pretty simply. So it was not an undigested bit of beef, like with Ebenezer Scrooge.  It was roast turkey, which is as mild as one can get.

                                      So, watch out, girls, for whatever is lurking in your house!!!!!  And if there are any more experiences, or visitations, you will be sure to know about them here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Trick or Treat, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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