Monday, October 15, 2012

This Show Is Perfect For Checking Most Of Your Brain At The Door!!!!!!!!!!

                                       The reason I say "most" darlings, is because you want to keep the gray matter a little active, when the cast goes into things like "That Sweet Old Low Down," or "Fascinatin' Rhythm."  And, of course, when Kelli O'Hara wraps her gorgeous voice and stage presence around such Gershwin classics as "Someone To Watch Over Me," and "But Not For Me," you want to be as mentally engaged as possible to get the full impact of Kelli's magnificent delivery.

                                         This show may not be a classic of the musical stage, but it is altogether charming, and has a nice concept.  I just loved how certain moments ended with the last piano notes of "Rhapsody In Blue," which I consider to be the 20th Century's greatest musical composition.  And the outline of Gershwin and collaborator at the end of the show was a nice touch, too.

                                           In between, beside Kelli, you get Matthew Broderick doing his shtick, which if you are my girls, you have seen before at one time or another. Oddly, when together, he and Kelli do manage to work up some chemistry, and when they dance together, no one would mistake him for Astaire, but he does have a fluidity that works well with her.  And he is not too bad on the songs.

                                            However, TONY winners Judy Kaye and Michael McGrath trump him.  I have not seen Judy Kaye in anything in ages, and it was great to see her again, and to see how well she has maintained her voice, if not her ounces.  But, then, look at Barbara Cook.  Still going strong at 85, no longer the petite Cunegonde of "Candide," but the voice is still there, which is what counts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Kathleen Marshall has given the ensemble some great numbers, and when they hold center stage, they become something of stars, themselves.  This is a show that hearkens back to the kind of frivolities they did in the 1950s where everything--sets, costumes, lighting, performances--were simply luscious!!!!!  Not groundbreaking, not mind altering, nothing innovative, and, thank God, none of this "Spring Awakening" crap (which, judging by the packed house at the Imperial Theatre yesterday, it is clear audiences are as sick of  this as I!!!!!!!!!!!)--just a fun-filled, carefree and melodic, afternoon and evening. When was the last time we had one of those, darlings????????????????  Not from Catherine Zeta-Jones in "A Little Night Music," I can tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Honestly, I am such a bitch!!!!!!!!!! One thing I will give to 'Nice Work'--for two hours, it kept my bitch at bay!!!!!!!!!!  Think what it might do for Republicans!!!!!!!!! Who would just eat this show up, though I don't mean to disparage those non-Republicans who do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               A fabulous time was had by all!!!!!!!!!!   You know what I suggest, darlings!!!!!!  A Theatrical Day!!!!!!!!!  Knock yourselves out at a matinee of "Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf!", then pacify yourselves after that one, with this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               You will have the sweetest dreams this side of Broadway, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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