Monday, October 15, 2012

Girls, This Is One Charlotte You Don't Want To Hush!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Would you believe that today, "Charlotte's Web" by E.B.White turns 60?????
That is even older than yours truly, darlings, and it is quite an honor.  In this face of such processed children's crap that passes as literature, or at least tries to, it is assuring to know a true classic like this can still draw a readership.

                                                I first read 'Charlotte' during one of my elementary school years in the early Sixties.  "Stuart Little," at the time seemed to get more attention and proved more popular, though I never could finish it; it just did not "do it" for me. Not so with "Charlotte's Web;" I not only finished it, I cried real tears when I was done!!!!!!!!!!  One of the few times a book has ever done that to me.  So this might have been the first time.

                                                Even though they re popular at Halloween, like right around now, spiders get a raw deal the rest of the year. E.B. White helped pave the way for spiders, showing, through Charlotte, not only their likability, but their importance in relation to nature.  Not to mention the wonderful friendship between Charlotte, Wilbur the pig, and the little girl.

                                                 So, here is a Happy Birthday wish to "Charlotte's Web," with a wish of 60 more to follow!!!!!!!!!  Some books truly deserved to be called classics, and this is one!!!!!!!!!

                                                   And, darlings, be nice to the next spider you may meet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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