Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Girls, How Long Must This Gal Wait For A Hair Appointment?????????

                                            In case you are wondering who this is, while the face may be somewhat familiar, this is Candice DeLong, who turns up as a narrator/explainer on a lot of Investigation Discovery programs, most notably, of course, "Deadly Women!"  She is also a former FBI profiler, who has written a book about her experiences, entitled "Special Agent: My Life On The Front Lines As A Woman In The FBI!!!!!!"  Think of her as kind of a real life Clarice Starling!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Though, honey, let's face it, she hasn't the style of Jodie Foster!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Before we go any further, get a look at those eyes!!!!!!  With proper grooming--which she desperately needs--she could easily channel Barbara Steele!!!!!!!   But, Candice, why do you make such bad hair choices??????  I mean, this is the best pic I could find, but you should see how the styles have morphed over time; not one is flattering.  Look how this one comes to a point in the center!!!!!!!!   She certainly did not get this from Ariette at Bergdorf's!!!!!!!!!  Hell, Jan Miner, in her Madge days, could have found her a better stylist!!!!!!!!!!  Or done the job herself!!!!!!!!!!  Compare Candice to that other profiler we just LOVE, Mark Safrik!!!!!!!  Oh, Maaaaaaaaaark!  He certainly knows how to style, darlings, and I know some of my girls out there would just LOVE to style him!!!!!!!!!!  And I don't blame you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Candice is a different story, loves!!!!!!!!!! She can talk crimes and killers with the best of them, but this Beauty School Dropout (just like the song in "Grease!", girls!!!!) certainly missed her mid-terms, or flunked shampoo somewhere along the way!  With that skin, and those eyes, Candice, you could do something!!!!  But what's atop your head kills it!

                                             I think it is time for her to re-evolve!  How about we start Candice off, hairless; you know, that early Sinead O'Connor look????  Then apply a series of wigs and falls, adjust till something tolerable is achieved, and give her a model to grow out and style from!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             With effort, she could, in time, become what she ought--the Audrey Hepburn of FBI profilers!!!!!  Hope is not lost yet, Candice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                I know MY girls would never make the hair mistakes Candice does!!!!!!!!!!!
Whether you are catching killers, or bargain shopping at MACY'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Candice , honey, take some cues from your similarly named contemporaries--Bergen and Bushenell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   And think what ANNA would say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Don't let's be catty. I think she's enormously cute, especially for her age (She's 63!!).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What drive me more nuts than her hair is her obvious brow lift, which has her eyebrows jacked up so high they make her look diabolical.

    1. Just another one who ruined themselves with plastic surgery

  4. I think CA NDICE is a beautiful woman her eyes-her hair, u people that speak ill of her are truly jealous of her. get a life. i'll bet u all would love her life and lifestyle. bill t

  5. I have alopecia and I am thinking that perhaps Candice does too. No one knows how terrible it is. It is hair loss due to your own immune system attacking itself. It's very embarrassing especially for a woman. I used to teach 4th grade and the kids would call me Ms. Baldy. It was horrible. There are not the best wigs out there and you really have to search far and wide to have a good wig. I had to get a wig because I had to put up with kids that daily insulted me about my hair. Please don't make fun of her hair. If she could give anything to have a full head of hair believe me she would. You just wait...though you make fun of someone because of a medical problem you will never know when something like this could affect you. It hurts deeply and you have a daily reminder when you look in the mirror. I never talk about it to other people because it is so hard for me. How can people be so rude and hurtful as what you wrote in your article. I hope nothing happens to you like this, but again you never know.

    1. Aww, lighten up, Ms. Baldy; seems you're missing a sense of humor along with some hunks of hair.

    2. There is no sense of humor in making fun of people. Post your picture and let me critique it??? Just rude!!! Sounds like you need to get a life.

    3. I'm definitely with you !!! Perfect words! Kisses

    4. You are absolutely correct about this. Until you live it you truly don't understand. Regarding alopecia.

  6. I don't understand what is wrong with her hair. It looks fine to me. I see lots, lots of women with this hair style. It's strange comment.

    1. You are right there is nothing wrong with her hair. These people are plain jealous. Pitiful!!

  7. It's just a tad too short. I have seen
    her with longer hair, and she looks so much

  8. First off what a crappy forum topic. I personally think Ms DeLong may be a hair loss sufferer and is wearing hair systems to conceal the problem. That's why she's had so many different hair styles long, medium and short, to help the illusion look completely real. But that said, even if she has no medical issues for hair loss OR she just has a type of coarse hair that you can't do anything with, WHO CARES!!! If she is suffering from a medical issue HOW FREAKIN DARE YOU make a public joke out of it by creating this forum so everyone can join in on the bashing!! That's exactly what you are doing. If she is suffering from a medical hair loss condition, the worst thing jerks like you can do is make one big fat joke out of it. Didn't your mother teach you that if you have nothing nice to say about someone keep your big fat mouth closed?

    1. Thank you for posting this, because you are exactly right, and said everything I was going to post. I would love for these people to post pictures of themselves. I definitely would critique them. Pathetic no life people.


  9. First off, if I have something not nice to say, I say it , anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And as for keeping one's big fat moth shut, why don't you practice what you preach, hon?????????

    1. Shes only taking up for what she sees as a pathetic person with no life talking about someone life a dog. If this was a post to try to get 15 minutes of fame then it was a pathetic attempt at best. Post a picture of yourself!!!!

  10. Why the excessive punctuation?????????? Every sentence ends with a string of it!!!!!!!!!! It's overkill (pun intended)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Why the excessive punctuation?????????? Every sentence ends with a string of it!!!!!!!!!! It's overkill (pun intended)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  12. It's a trademark thing. Actually, if you look at some recent posts, you will find there are not as many!

  13. I think she has alopecia, too. (Doesn't really appear to have eyelashes either.) She's still a good looking woman. And what a fabulous career, great book and street smarts. I heard her address some comments on TV, said she's 63 so she does wear a lot of makeup because of the harsh lights. Don't recall what she said about wigs. Would be better if she would just come out with it but that's her darn choice!


  14. Had no idea she is 63! She looks younger! Yes, her intelligence and knowledge is refreshing. I learn something from her programs and presentation.


  15. Esme, dear,
    I love Candace's candor. If you want tongue-in cheek, watch Susan Lucci
    host "Deadly Affairs!"

  16. And if she says psychopath one more time...!!!!!!!


  17. But, darling, those are the folk she is
    talking about!

  18. Candice DeLong is a beautiful woman, looks better than many women in their 40s and is very smart. You just sound like a jealous schoolgirl. Yes, some of her hairstyles look better than others, like with anyone, but I always thinks she looks great. She got where she is with hard work and that you have to admire, not putting down other people unlike some writers of a certain blog about her hair.


  19. Darling, I admire Candace, too; believe me I watch her all
    the time--except when it is women murdering children. I cannot
    take that. I just could not help noticing how quickly her
    styles change. I think an earlier comment on here mentions
    she has that hair condition beginning with a--you know what
    I mwean; I just can't spell it right now, so that may account
    for the changing--and they may be wigs. Some of the longer
    styles do resemble them

  20. I'm would love just to have Her do coffee with Me. She's a very fine looking Woman. I wish I could get to know Her, but I feel She wouldn't have nothing to do with Me.

  21. Maybe she doesn't have a condition at all. Maybe she has different styles to elude being noticed. She was in the FBI. Would you want to be a target, if someone you profiled was fresh out of prison?

  22. If she wanted to elude being noticed she would cover her whole face like the Arabs do. She's still noticeable with wigs.I believe she has alopecia. Sad because she's a very attractive female.


  23. Yes, she is attractive, and though sometimes the
    styles are more obviously wigs than others, she still
    looks attractive.

  24. I just love Her in short hair. I wish I could meet Her.

  25. Freekin brilliant man..ur all crackpots.


  26. SP,
    Read some of the other posts, and
    comments! You ain't seen nothin' yet!


  27. Oh, Teresa, darling!

    Lighten up! Your personality,
    not your hair. I love
    Candace's program and intelligence,
    but you have to admit it is odd
    how the hairstyles change with
    almost each show!

    And I am highly literate, dear!

  28. I love her! Yes, she does wear a lot of different wigs but it's part of her charm. I used to think she had alopecia but saw her a couple of times where it must have been her own hair -- it was thin but decent looking. Let her enjoy looking like she wants. (And yes, she looks great for her age -- if I looked like her, I am sure I'd find a few willing beaus.)


  29. Oh, I love Candace too, don't
    get me wrong! It's just when
    I first started watching her,
    I was amazed by the hair style

  30. I love Candace and wish she were my friend. She is intelligent, well spoken and looks great for her age. Hell yes she's probably had some work done, but good for her.


  31. Bruce,
    Candace is great, and, considering
    the topics she covers, some of her
    comments are remarkably droll

  32. All- you have missed a huge point here. Candice wears wigs either to a condition called alopecia or for cancer treatments. She has no eyebrows or lashes. I say she looks wonderful at 63 and come on really? There aren't that many great wigs for white women. I think she looks marvelous dahling!!


  33. Unknown,
    Others have mentioned alopecia on
    here, which is possible. If she
    has cancer, she looks petty good
    for it. I don't think she looks
    bad, it is just the hairstyles
    change so quickly! I never
    noticed the lack of eyebrows or


  34. Nina,

    Thanks for your comments.
    Despite what others may think,
    I am a big fan of Candace!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. Candice has a great TV presence. I thought the blog was mean and hurtful. It sounded like a form of kids bullying a person in school. But yet you say that you like her..If thats how you speak of someone you like..I can image what your blogs sound like of anyone you hate.I myself have noticed the wigs. I thought like others that she has alopecia. If she does this blog is even more hurtful. Alopecia is a devastating condition for a women. I personally have two friends that have it as a secondary effect from their Lupus diagnosis. Even thinning hair which happens to many women after menopause is devastating. Wigs are very expensive. The only reason hers look so good is because she has a lot of money. Yes they look pretty good for a wig. I saw one comment about white women have less options for a good wig. I believe this is true due to the straight flat hair texture. A lot of black women wear wigs but the may leave some of their natural hair out around the hairline. It is easier to cover the edges of a wig with hair that is not flat to the scalp. If Candice reads this..your a fantastic woman and a great roll model. Your insight is so incredible. You always look classy. Your hair is always done nice. For a 68 year old women..your doing everything right..beautiful skin.. It would be nice if people could find other topics to their blogs than trying to insult you and tear you down. Blogs/statements like this have cause young teens to kill themselves in recent years..


  36. aerial777.

    When I wrote this post, I was not aware that
    candace might have alopecia. I have since
    heard that she does. The hair styles and
    changes amazed me with their speed, so I
    was suspicious, and especially when the
    hair got long.

    As for Lpus, my mother had it. She did
    not have hair problems, but others.
    And died of lung cancer 40 years ago.

    You are right; I do like Candace, and the
    show, As for bullying and suicide, read
    some of the posts where I out some who
    bullied me in HS, and all the posts I
    wrote on Tyler Clementi. That should tell
    you where I stand.

  37. I suspect Ms. DeLong may have a hair-loss issue like alopecia. I've noticed her different hairdos look like wigs and her eyebrows look drawn on.


  38. MaryAnne,

    I agree with you. I have
    not heard it mentioned, but
    it explains such quick changes
    of syles, and lengths!

  39. What an intelligent and smart woman she is, what a fantastic career she has had,your an inspiration to a lot of young women going into the police force and furthering their careers just as you have

  40. Illy,
    Yes, I agree with you.
    She is one of the best
    in her field.

  41. I would like to respond to the fact that Black women are not the only women that wear wigs... Women of all races wear wigs and hair extensions, it is just more noticeable on Black women because, most times, the hair texture does not match!

    As far as Candice DeLong goes, I LOVE HER.. Who cares weather she wears a wig or not? At least you can take off a wig, but how about all the ass and breast implants, lip fillers and implants, bicep and calf muscle implants, penis implants, eye color contacts, liposuction, etc, and it goes on and on and on!!!! Let's talk about that!!!

  42. He's where he belongs,

    While growing up, my mother
    used to wear a wig, and that was
    before she got ill. The nearer
    it got to permanent time, then
    she wore a wig. And when her
    hair fell out during her illness,
    she went wigged full time. I think
    she was buried with it on.

    As for Candace, I LOVE her too.
    I was just puzzled by the almost sudden
    changes in hair styles.

    As for Black women and wigs, I am so
    clueless, darling, that I cannot tell
    when any of them are wearing one!
