Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick Or Treat, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Girls, I am telling you, we got some trick this week, what with Hurricane Sandy!!!!!  But, in spite of it, Halloween did come, and let me wish you all a happy one!  Monsieur and I have candy for whatever tykes may ring our doorbell--even if they are some big, muscular Guidos--and I still have not decided if I am dressing up as a fishnet dominatrix!!!!!!!   I mean, I don't even have a whip, though we do have this wooden pitchfork I could use.!!!!!!!!!

                                And, of course, you know how we celebrate tonight!!!!!  We watch the great John Carpenter classic, "Halloween," though, let me tell you, girls, nothing still can't top that initial 1978 viewing, where I was so so scared afterwards, I gunned the accelerator, drove all the way home, up our hillside driveway, and straight into the Friedenreichs' bushes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   This time, we will just enjoy Jamie,
P.J.Soles, and little Mikey Myers, kick back, and relax!!!! Oh, and the scene where Annie, the babysitter, is being attacked, and she is screaming for Lindsay, her charge, only Lindsay can't hear a thing, because the TV sound is up, and she is absorbed in "The Thing", to the point of shutting out everything else around her,
is priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    So, however you celebrate the day (and in whatever limited capacities you find to do so, in the wake of the storm!!!!) make it a great one!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Curl up, kick back, and let the ghosties, witches and demons do all the work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      May all your Tricks be Treats, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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