Friday, November 23, 2012

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Black Friday, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                See the horror struck face, above, girls?????????  I am warning all of you--DO NOT go near any department stores on this day, if you fear for your life, or sanity.  Especially places like Walgren's and Targets, where bastions of the not even distinctly, but slightly lower, Middle Class will converge--and probably have done so, since midnight tonight, in order to get first crack at, I don't know what, actual shopping, or bargains they think they will beat everyone else out on, for the Holiday Season?????

                                I have never understood the tradition of Black Friday, girls, as it was never a part of my life, even in its earliest days!  My mother, certainly, did not hover outside store doors as midnight stuck, waiting to burst inside.  In fact, I would say that this is a social phenomenon only within the last twenty or so years.  And, ever since, that awful event, several seasons back, when a Wal-Mart employee was trampled to death simply opening doors for shoppers, it has become an American exponent of greed at it worst, as well as downright dangerous!!!!!!!!  Do you think I would put myself for risk at this???????????  Not even if BARBRA were making a personal store appearance, which I am sure she would be sane enough NOT to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Nevertheless, a Happy Black Friday, to all my girls!  Hope your Turkey Day was as exquisite as ours.   It all worked perfectly--the weather, the restaurant, (Thalia) my father's and sister's arrival and departure,  the scrumptious meal--beet/squash Napoleon salad, escarole salad, cheese samplers, meat samplers, a turkey meal with all the trimmings, and a delicious apple rollo, ice cream, and pumpkin cheese cake with chocolate crust, for desert. Not to mention some white wine to wash it all down, and keep me relaxed, and at my best, darlings!!!!!!!!!  Like the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                So, another Thanksgiving, and the commencement of another Holiday Season!!!!!!!!!
Greeting To All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And stay away today from even Lord and Taylor's, or Bergdorf's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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