Friday, November 23, 2012

Not Quite "Pistols And Petticoats," Girls, But A Lot Of Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            When I first saw this book in the store, and glanced at the title, I thought it was about cross dressing or gender switching.  And it might have worked well that way, anyway!  But the title is a play on words; Charles and Eli Sisters (it is their surname) are siblings, and bounty hunters in the West, during the time of the California Gold Rush!!!!!!!!!!!  There story plays out like a cross between "True Grit," or "No Country For Old Men," only with less menace, and laced with a bit of humor.  There is a bit of buffoonery about the brothers, as well as the prey they go after, and their adventures, make for a quick read!

                                              This is a picaresque novel, involving a quest to kill two, but especially one, individual it is learned they are after, since the book begins. The book gets into some psychological areas with the brothers' relationships--to each other, and the world around them--so that, when they end up, at the end, showing a bit of humanity, one is not quite surprised, and gratified.

                                                Not very deep, and short on narrative, the book in nevertheless a fascinating character study of the bonds that tie siblings.  Its entertainment factor is high, and is worth a look!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 But not quite Edna Ferber, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I thought from your title that this was going to be about Ann Sheridan. Which means I'm old AND gay!


  2. But are you old enough to actually remember "Pistols And Petticoats?" Because I am! I used to love that show, and loved Ann on it.

    I am sure Ann will turn up on here one of these days. I love the movie "Kings Row," and I actually have read and own the novel. If you think "Peyton Place" sticks it to small town USA, Henry Bellamy gives Grace Metalious a run for her money!

  3. I was only 7 or 8 when it was on, but I DO remember it!
