Friday, November 30, 2012

All Right, Girls!!!!!!!!! Now It Can Be Said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Today is not only when we say bye bye to November--how fast did this month go; can you believe it?  It seems I aged from 57 to 58 in a single second!!!!!!!!!  But today is when the Official Holiday Countdown Begins--meaning it is now 25 days exactly till Christmas!!!!!!!!!!

                                         And in that time, if you're like me, darlings, there is lots you have to get in--birthdays, parties, shopping for gifts, visiting Christmas attractions--a veritable treadmill, until everything comes crashing to a screeching halt, come January 2.

                                           But we won't think about that now, girls!!!!!!!!  We will think about that some other time--just like Scarlett!!!!!!!!!!  Meanwhile, I am looking forward to dinner tonight--it's Hedda and Louella time, once again--and I will be sure to give my girls a full report. I can tell you one thing--since I am not working tomorrow, I am going to have wine!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe more than one glass, if the situation warrants it!!!!!!!!!!!!  Mother Mary, help us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Nevertheless, here we are--countdown to Christmas.  Remember what Dr. Seuss said, "He (the Grinch) couldn't stop Christmas from coming, it came!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                               Haul out the holly, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. A bit off topic, but did you know that Deborah Raffin died last week? When The Sentinel came out back in '76, who would have thought that Sylvia Miles would outlive Deborah??
