Thursday, November 29, 2012

What Is It With White Guys, And Afros????????????

                                     Remember Bernie on "Room 222?"  He had a huge red Afro atop his head, looking, as many such did, very much in vogue, during the 1970s, as if appearing in a road company of the musical, "HAIR," or, at least, seeming to want to.

                                       I never knew, until talking to my beloved Monsieur last evening, that this conic attribute is called a "Jewfro!"  I don't quite get the connection between the style and Judaism, but there you are!

                                          I wonder if there is something more at work, called the Samson Factor.  Remember, in the story, Samson had these gorgeous locks of  hair, from which he supposedly got all his strength. That is, until that vixen Delilah shorn those locks--and took away all his strength.

                                            Does this hairstyle cause white boys to go on power trips???????   I had to wonder, during an encounter with one yesterday.  Not only was the guy's Afro so abundant, he was also incredibly tall, to begin with. Meaning he appeared even taller.

                                               This guy approached me, and, without having exchanged a word, I could tell there was Attitude, and then some. He made this abundantly clear by talking to me dismissively, while, at the same time, talking into his Smart Phone.  Oh, and he made it perfectly clear to me that he in no way "does computers."  Uh, huh!!!!!!!!!! Then why are you using a Smart Phone?????????

                                                  Things went from bad to worse. He requested something, which I supplied, or at least filled the order for, then announced that he had to have this by Monday.  I told him there was no way I could guarantee this, and he acted like it was my fault!!!!!!!!!  At one point, during the transaction, he was lacking a viable piece of info.  I told him where he could go to retrieve  it, and he was so affronted--that HE should actually walk downstairs and interact with anyone!!!!!!!  I mean, who did he think he was, Anna Fucking Wintour?????  No respect to you, Anna, you know I LOVE you, but the point is you would be a little more pro-active yourself. Which is why Anna is ANNA!!!!!!!  But this guy--this was a first, darlings!!!--gets on his Smart Phone, and declares, right to my face, so I will know just HOW IMPORTANT he is, "I'm going to call my assistant!"  And the assistant actually had this rather trivial piece of information!!!!!!!!  Which makes me wonder how much about this guy the assistant knows!!!!!!  I've got to track down  this assistant, and talk to him!!!!!!!!!  I have never thought of resorting to blackmail, but after yesterday, I am beginning to wonder!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Then there was another item.  Which, from his poor interpersonal communication skills, I was to understand that I was to call up the place that had this, and have it delivered IMMEDIATELY to him!!!!!!!!!  Like, I have any control over this?????????? Of course, no amount of explaining would cajole him; I had to get one of my colleagues to intervene, before he finally blew us both off!!!!!!!!

                                                     Let me say, at the risk of offending those with Afros, this guy's personality was negative, and would have been, no matter what the hair style.  BUT with the hairstyle, he only looked more conspicuous, not to mention that delusional, power mad look in his eyes, which at first I thought might have been due to drugs, but came more, I think, from his assumption that he was a Legend In His Own Mind!!!!!!!!!! The only place, where he would be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       All of which has made me very skeptical of white guys with Afros!!!!!
And don't even start me on bad Smart Phone manners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Where is our Technological Emily Post????????????????????

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