Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Darlings, What The Hell Does Boreas Have In Store For Us Now?????????

                                  When I was a child, we had this particular trivet (basically a place mat for a hot dish, to protect the table!!!!) which had a picture of a ship at sea, and two figures in the sky, pointing at it. One was Neptune, the Sea God, with his pitchfork in hand; the other was this big, angry cloud, blowing down fierce wind onto the ship, and this was Boreas, the Wind God.

                                     Well, girls, Boreas had a field day last week, what with sending us Hurricane Sandy.  And now he is gearing up again by sending what is described as a mere "nor'easter," which, on its own, could be hazardous enough, but coming so hot on the heels of Sandy, with subway trains STILL not running normally (and , believe me, girls, the MTA is looking good as Bitch Of The Week!!!!), what with my commute home (it is always the trips HOME that are problematic!!!) two hours Monday, and ninety minutes last night, I do not want to be stuck in the city at this time, with transportation bad enough, and sure to get worse as a result!!!!!  Safety first, girls; I am sitting this one OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       And if anyone has anything to say to ME, well, I say, LET THEM!!!!!!!  Because they have an idea of what I will dish out back, and, if necessary, I will go to the Union!!!!!!!!!

                                        Remember that Chiffon Margarine TV Commercial, "It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature?", brilliantly enacted by actress Dena Dietrich??????????  Well, what the hell have we done to deserve this from Mother Nature???????  I am telling you, I so disgusted with all this; to think, a year ago, we moved my father up here from Florida, and now he has seen more hurricane action up here than he ever did in all his 30+ years there!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ironic, isn't it?????????????

                                          So, with snow, fierce 60 MPH winds, and still incomplete recovery from Hurricane Sandy, I am not going to risk my safety by venturing out today, especially since I have one of, if not THE, longest commutes to work.

                                            Take This Job, And Shove IT??????????  No, darlings, stay at home sensibly, so that you are able to DO your job when called for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              But I mean it, when I say this--

                                              Butt Out, Boreas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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