Thursday, November 8, 2012

Get Your F***ING Act Together, You Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Now, girls I know I should not rant and rail, but I feel I am speaking for many, not just myself, when I say that this week's Bitch Of The Week is none other than the MTA.

                                             That's right, you heard me.  Now, I know things are running, at least, but, for those of us in Brooklyn, beyond 59th Street, in Bay Ridge, commuting to and from work especially is a horror show, because the 13 stop strip--from Jay Street/Metro Tech to 42nd Street in Manhattan is not in service, and try to get any information about why, if work is being done, or any estimates on when it will be restored.  And for whatever reason, going home at night is worse than going in.  What takes me about an hour normally now takes me two; and who knows what would have happened last night, commuting during the so-called nor'easter?????  Which is why I took what I considered the sensible way out, and stayed at home; by ten AM--AM, darlings!!--the wind was howling outside my window, like "Wuthering Heights," and by the evening, when Monsieur walked in the door after his less strenuous commute, he was dripping, because--now, remember, it is November, girls--it was snowing outside!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it???????  So, I do not care what anyone says, I stayed home, because my safety comes first!  I am no freaking monument to Justice, the way some think they are!

                                             Now, I know we have no control over the weather, and I cannot blame folks for that.  But I can blame the MTA for not only not doing their job expeditiously enough, but not informing those of us who need it, what is going on, giving us any kind of hope, or insight into what is truly normal subway service for US will be actually restored.

                                              There is no better choice in my book for Bitch Of The Week than the MTA!!!!!!!!  Get your act, together, people, before rioters run amuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Or maybe we should all stage a Mass Protest--stay home from work, shut down businesses!!!!!!!  THEN see how quickly the system is restored!

                                                   Tootles, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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