Friday, November 9, 2012

Exciting News From The Rialto, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Girls, I am telling you, wouldn't you just know it?????????    No sooner do I see that enchanting show, "Nice Work, If You Can Get It" (when Estelle Parsons had the temerity to be out, which is another reason to put her on my shit list, great actress, though she be!!!!) than comes news that, starting December 18, and for twelve weeks only, her role will be filled by none other than--Blythe Danner!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Blythe Danner!!!!!!!  The name is synonymous with Main Line glamour, the kind unseen since the days of Grace Kelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Honestly, if I could have foreseen this, I would have held off getting those tickets.  As is, I may have to visit the show again.

                                    Now, for all you Blythe Adorers out there--and I know there are a lot of you, loves!!!!-- let me inform you, having already seen the show, that her character does not appear, until the very end.  Sort of like Colleen Dewhurst, when she played the Countess in "You Can't Take It With You."  Which means, girls, especially for those of you whose means may be limited, you can Second Act (you know that old trick, dolls!!!!) the show, and still not miss a single second of Blythe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    For Blythe, it must be an easy gig--walk on stage looking gorgeous, say a few bon mots, then off she goes.  She can sit backstage for most of the show, doing needle point, or conversing with Apple and Moses!!!!!!!!!!!  Hopefully, Gwyneth will bring them to see her!!!!!!!!

                                     Hell, Blythe could even show up at the stage door at the top of Act Two, and still make it in time to perform.  No "half hour" call for her, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But Blythe is an actress' Actress--she will be there at the top, just like everyone else, because she is a PROFESSIONAL, which some of today's excuses for actors, like Jonathan Groff, could learn a thing or two from.  People like Blythe and Patti (Lu Pone) need to knock some of these heads together, I am telling you!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I am so excited about Blythe's upcoming stage appearance!  I must call her, and have a Bellini lunch at Harry Cipriani!!!!!!  Bet her jewels come from Harry Winston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        So, make sure you catch Blythe's work in 'Nice Work,' because it WILL be nice!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        How often do Theater Queens get to see a true Queen????????????????

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