Saturday, November 10, 2012

Feel The Power, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Since yesterday was my day off, girls, and what with the travel situation, the last thing I wanted to do was go into Manhattan.  But, alas, I had to, for a doctor's appointment, which netted me some beneficial info, and, being in the same neighborhood, I stopped at the eyeglass place to see if my new Stephanie March glasses were ready.  And they were.

                                Once I donned them, it was like magic.  I felt SO much like Stephanie as ADA Alex Cabot.  I should have gone downtown to the courthouse steps, and knocked some heads together.  At least, that is what I felt like doing.  But, like I said, with the travel situation being so questionable, and me always anxious now to get back to Bay Ridge, where the safety of Monsieur and civilization rests, I made sure to get out of the city before Rush Hour.  And was home at a reasonable time--4PM!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Monsieur was very impressed with the eyeglasses.  I may have to redo my publicity photo for this blog; at least, I am thinking about it.  If I do, you will be the first to know, darlings, and you will certainly get a good look at the results.

                                      The world certainly feels different when you feel you are Stephanie March!!!!!!!! Now, if only I could get my hair styled like her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         See you in court, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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