Saturday, November 10, 2012

Girls, This Is One Gay Who Gives Us All A Bad Name!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Who says "Fatal Attraction" is a story only for straight people, darlings??????   Wait till you hear this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         On the morning of September 10, 2009, sometime between the hours of 9AM and 12 Noon, Shelley Nance, a pretty 20-year-old, and a student at the Arts Institute Of Dallas (that's "Big D," darlings!!!!! Dallas, Texas!!!!!!!!!!!) was found brutally stabbed to death in her bedroom, having been stabbed over 40 times in what could only be described as an act of rage that was directed personally at the victim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             But who might it have been???????  Shelley's roommate, Ashley (who was initially under suspicion, herself!!!!!!) suggested it might have been a boyfriend Shelley was seeing, a 19-year-old man named Nathan Shuck, also a student at the Institute!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                               Just for the record, here is a picture of Shelley, girls!!!!!!!!!  Isn't she pretty?????????  And she did not deserve this!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                  The whole thing is so convoluted, but what happened is this.

                                                                 Shelley and Ashley were roommates.  Nathan and Daniel were roommates.  Daniel and Ashley were friends.  And Shelley and Nathan were students at the same school. They struck up a friendship, which went from casual, to romantic, and , let me tell you, girls, 26-year-old gay boy Daniel did not like THAT--not one bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                      I have to interject, darlings--what is it with gay men and straight men????????  I mean, it's  OK to admire them--we all love Jake Gyllenhaal and Stanley Tucci--but to go up to one and openly come on is asking for trouble. At the very least, embarrassment.  Girls, you may wish Jake and Stanley were in our camp, but they're not, so just enjoy them for the pleasure they give us, with their attractiveness, and brilliant work.

                                                                          Had Daniel taken this high road, it might have saved him from a life sentence, and Shelley her life, period!!!!!!!!!!  But Daniel had a shaky history of violence prior--in 2005, while serving in the Navy, aboard a ship, as a pastry chef (tres gay, darlings!!!!!!!!) he became angered by his superiors, to the point where he said out loud he might be capable of stabbing them with knives, or spilling boiled grease on them!!!!!!!!!!!  Nice, huh??????? Which speaks volumes up front about Daniel and his lack of impulse control. So, how did this guy make it through the screening process into the Navy, which I always thought was a bit more selective than the Army????????  Is the military--no matter what the branch--this desperate for recruits??????????  It doesn't speak well for our national safety, if this is the kind of person they are sending overseas to defend us girls on the home front!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                            So, Daniel asks to be discharged from the ship. And, eventually, I suppose, he leaves the Navy. But how, by 2009, he ends up in a campus neighborhood in Dallas, and what he was doing there (studying?????? working??????? ) is anyone's guess.  He may have been gay, but look how chunky he is, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Sure, there might be someone for him, but, like many in the community, he fixed himself on impossible goals--even if Nathan had been gay, I don't think there would have been any relationship.  This is a big problem facing gay men in general; but when you combine that with a questionable psychosis, like Daniel's, it goes over the edge!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                Poor Nathan Shuck.  You have to feel a little sorry for him.  He may have been 19, but his emotional maturity registered at around 16.  He was sharing this apartment with Daniel, but he would still go home to his mother for coddling, and she--like something out of grade school--would drive him to school!!!!!!!!  Huh??????????  He may have been of straight orientation (though I wonder if there was some ambivalence there) and hormonally drawn to Shelley, but, as she could soon see, he clearly was not ready for such a relationship emotionally, which is why she basically broke up with him, which  was a factor in his being the prime suspect.

                                                                                   That is, until police learned from Ashley they should talk to Daniel.  They learned of a man who had romantic feelings for Nathan--actually took care of him, doing his laundry, driving him places, all out of some misguided love that Nathan did not reciprocate,  maybe did not know how to, or maybe, even more, did not know how to extricate himself from. This was a guy who was still, basically,  a kid, with limited life experience.  Maybe Daniel took advantage of that, to some degree.  But things turned really screwy when he began dating Shelley.

                                                                                         Daniel, clearly obsessed,  did not like Shelley, not because she was a woman, but because she took time away from him with Nathan.  He would have felt this way toward any
young woman who came between he and Nathan.  Shelley was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.  He even tried to interject themselves on their dates, as a third wheel--to no avail.

                                                                                             Shelley and Daniel had had words.  In his interrogation, Nathan said Daniel never did anything to him physically, but his naivete was such he may not have recognized signs of obsession.  And why encourage things further, by allowing Daniel to "take care" of him?????????  This was not someone of adult maturity.

                                                                                              So Daniel got angry.  And angrier.  But who was this directed towards???????  Not Nathan, which, in an odd way, would have made some kind of sense!!!!!! But Shelley--the "woman," the "girlfriend."   He really thought that by  eliminating Shelley, he would have Nathan.  And this is where Daniel gives gays a bad name, falling back on that stereotype that all gays hate women, which our detractors still love to use as a defense for their homophobic beliefs, and which Daniel's outright behavior only helped to enforce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                                 From the moment he asked Ashely to borrow her car, I think he was planning the murder of Shelley.  And the sad thing is--no one--Ashley, Nathan, or Shelley, knew they were in any danger.

                                                                                                    Daniel is now in prison for life. And who knows, with his orientation, he may find himself real popular in prison, though he was not a cutie, like Nathan. But prison does not leave much room for selection.

                                                                                                     Could this have been prevented??????
I think so, but only if Nathan had been more mature and less naive. Not that that should blame him for Shelley's death--even her mother, after the trial, went up to Nathan and apologized to him for her behavior at the memorial service--when she thought he might have been the killer.  More credit to Mrs. Nance.

                                                                                                        Unfortunately, I think it was just one of those Perfect Storm scenarios that just tragically played itself out.  But I am telling all you gay bitches out there--get over your unreal expectations, and start looking at yourselves seriously, and realistically, if you want to find anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hopefully, you will not be as driven as Daniel, though such expectations could lead to frustration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                                         As a wise pundit once said, "Knock it off, you Marys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



  1. What a horrible writing style. Enough with the over dramatization and use of the question mark (?) and exclamation point (!). It makes for a very difficult and annoying read and is completely unnecessary. !!!!!!!!!!!??????????

  2. Second time I've found myself back in the blog after following other crazy crime stories! Love it!
    Dr T

  3. Thank you, Terry! This was one of the craziest I came across! Glad you enjoyed it!

  4. They all went to school together at AI. That now they all knew each other. I was part of their friend group. No, one was to surprised when we found out Daniel did it. It was well knows he hated Shelley. He also hated Shelley because Nathan grades were slipping. He blamed her for everything.

  5. Hello, thank you for your writing about the underlining impetuous feelings that brought about the murder of Shelly Nance. There is nothing wrong with your written expression regarding the story. Someone lost their life, immaturity was exposed and total crazy. So the urgency of your message in my opinion was well put forth. Sincerely, Mary


  6. Mam,

    Thanks for the kind and supportive
    words. Glad you liked what I wrote.

  7. Kati,

    It is too bad he did
    not seek help himself, or
    someone guided him to it.

    Maybe then,Shelly would still
    be here. She sounded like a lovely
