Saturday, November 10, 2012

Oh, My God! Literally!!!!!!!! Can You Believe They Are Performing This Already??????

                                Once upon a time, darlings, the Holiday Season used to begin on December 1--in accordance with your annual Advent Calendar.  Now, it seems the whole thing kicks off on Thanksgiving Day, thanks to MACY'S Annual Thanksgiving Day Parade.

                                    Well, now it seems even earlier. Because, would you believe the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, Rockettes and all, kicked off a week ago, this past November 3???? It is running till the end of the year, December 30, but come on--three days after Halloween, and we are going in to the Nativity????????????

                                        And speaking of the Nativity, girls, take a look at the photo above. I was taken to this once, as a child, and, maybe, it was due to my age, I was pretty impressed.  The photo only suggests the grandeur of this stage pageant.  While there are no Rockettes present (which would have made things interesting, and believe me, if I had staged it, they would have been there!!!!!!!!!!!!) this is stage spectacle at its grandest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I said this then, and I say it again now--the Radio City Nativity is so spectacular, visually dazzling, and moving, I don't think the REAL THING could have been better staged.
I am telling you, when the Star Of Bethlehem appeared over the Manger, and a soprano angel dropped from the heavens to trill "O Holy Night," I thought a band of angels was comin' forth to carry me home, honey!!!!!!!!

                                            Everyone should experience this cultural icon (some might call it kitsch) at least once in their lifetime.!!!!!!!!!   It truly is worth a viewing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              But can't we wait at least till after Thanksgiving?????? Please?????????

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