Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Darlings, With All These Scandals Afoot, There Should Be A Musical Somewhere In All Of This!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Nothing sells copy, or makes for good talk, like scandal.  And to think we have two of them, right now.  And, when all is said and done, guess what they both come down to?????  You got it, that old guaranteed scandalmonger-- SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Let's start with David Petraeus, pictured above.  Former CIA  director, and Mister Straight Arrow Dude, who was forced to resign over an extramarital affair he was having with---his biographer, Paula Broadwell!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, that is one way to make sure you have a good word put in for you!!!!!!!!!!!!   Guess Petraeus was not such a Straight Arrow, after all!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Apparently not, because, in tandem with this, is one Jill Kelley, of Florida,  and a series of  threatening emails between she and a Petraeus colleague, General John Allen.  Whether the Allen-Petraeus communication is sexual in nature, or not, is moot; what matters is it resulted in the affair with Broadwell being discovered, and now, everyone, from those in High Places In Washington, to Petraeus' unfortunate wife and children (if there are any????) have had their lives thrown into a tizzy.

                                      Now, I am not advocating adultery.  But why is it, whenever sex rears its ugly head in High Places, folks get all bent out of shape???????   From this attitude, you would think the prevailing outlook in this country is that only the lowly--the simple folk, the common people--get caught up in sexual brouhahas!!!!!!!!   Taint so, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Frankly, I hope Petraeus' wife bitch slaps him silly, and takes him to the cleaner's!!!!!  And, as my beloved Monsieur said this morning, if he is doing this kind of monkey business, it calls into question his ability to perform his job.  I mean, screwing on company time???????  On "Mad Men," sure!!!!!!!!!!!  But in the CIA???????????????????????

                                         This story is not over by a long shot.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out.  Why not sit Petraeus through a screening of "Fatal Attraction," with a knife pointed at his throat??????
That should take care of the problem, nicely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Meanwhile,  would you believe the scandal going on, over at "Sesame Street??????"  You heard me right, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!  "Sesame Street!!!!!!!!!!!!" Who could imagine such a thing???????????????

                                             It seems Kevin Clash, the puppeteer  pictured above, who is the heart and soul, and voice of Elmo, had a gay relationship awhile back with a a young man, now 23, who claims things took place when he was underage--that is, around 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Clash is 52, and has been Elmo for 28 years. He is gay, and proud of it, as he rightly should be.  At first, it seems to be a "he said, he said" situation.  But then things get a little more murky, with the news that he sent an email to his accuser, where he apologizes for talking about sex!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Hot Tamale, sweeties, this one's for the zoo!!!!!!!!!  This must have been some hot liaison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It also brings to mind all kinds of questions and possibilities--did Clash have underage sex with the young man he was involved with, or is this an attempt by a hustling boy toy to blackmail a more successful conquest into subsidizing him for as long as he chooses?????????? Let's face it, girls, the term golddigger no longer applies to women, alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Personally, darlings, I think it is the latter. But IF--and I say IF--it turns out there was an underage relationship, Clash should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!!!!!!!!!!!!
If he is guilty, he has not only tarnished the life of this young man, but generations of children who have grown up, and are continuing to grow up, loving Elmo, over whom there might always now be some kind of stigma!!!!!!!

                                                     I am telling you, so much scandal afoot, it's seeming more and more like the Roaring Twenties!!!!!!!!!!!  I might have to do my Dorothy Provine number!!!!!!!!!!  Meanwhile, with all this ugliness, I can now understand why Baby Jane Hudson says to Blanche, "I only want to talk about the nice things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                      Without wielding a hammer, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Is it really tarnishing a young man's life? When I was 16 I was having sex with a 40 year old married cop who lived in my neighborhood. It went on for over a year, and to this day I think it was one of the hottest things that ever happened to me. I'm not advocating this type of behaviour, but let's face it; there are boys and boys.


  2. As Bette Davis said, "Honeychild, you have a point." Seriously, good for you--and a hot cop, too! Shows how ready you were for such an experience at 16.

    Contrast that with this. On November 12, 1970, six days before my 16th birthday, a man on our street lured me into his house and molested me. I went into shock--until I discovered his engorged member in my hand! To this day, I have never seen anyone that hung! Or so I perceive. But I was not ready for this by any means. My mother reacted hysterically, and kept screaming at me if he had had intercourse with me in my "rectum." I did not know what she was talking about. I had no idea such things were done, or why!

  3. You should have told your mom "RECTUM?? Damn near KILLED him!" But seriously, sorry that happened to you;did the guy get arrested?


  4. To quote Bette again, "It gets better!" This could not have happened at a worst time in my life. Not only was I naive, but unpopular, so I was afraid everyone in school would find out, and blame me. Added to which, I subsequently discovered he was a custodial worker in the high school I was going to. The custodial quarters was located--get this--right next to the boys gym. This guy would leer at me every time I went to class.

    My father confronted his daughter, with whom he lived. She denied he would do anything like that! Wanted me to come up thre and say that to them! I never wanted to go in that house again!

    A year later, they moved away, and that was that.


    In later years, I recalled something. The daughter and her husband had three children--Francinr, 7, Jimmy, 5 and Johnny, 3. In summertime, Francine would come outside in het two piece bathing shuit, and, for no reason at all, expose herself to the kids playing. Everyone told her to stop, but now I wonder what else was going on in that house!

    He never got arrested. At least by me. My greatest fear, believe it or not, was, when he went to the kitchen and stayed thre for along time, he was going to get a knife and either kill me or cut my organ off!!! I tried to sneak out the door, and that is when he attacked me!
