Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Girls, Can You Believe Another "Musical Theater Week" Is Upon Us????????

                                           For the benefit of the uninitiated, or those who may need a refresher course,"Musical Theater Week" is the period of November 13-19, so designated, because, within this time frame, occurs the birthdays of a number of admirable people, and people I admire, in that august profession.
Including yours truly,  which makes my from-the-womb affinity for Musical Theater almost a predestined thing.  It must have been in the stars, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Today, we celebrate the birthday of one of my favorite "Chorus Line" alums--Sammy Williams, who originated the role of Paul.  From Trenton, New Jersey, to a TONY Award--honey, let me tell you, I could live with that.  No one was ever as brilliant in the role as Sammy, and when you watch him on YouTube, in the opening number, you can see what an amazing dancer he was.  He can teach me to hoof, anytime he likes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                To think  that today Sammy reaches that age made famous in a Lennon-McCartney song, 64.  Which, scarily enough, was the age my mother passed away at, back in 1979.  And which to me felt old, then.  But, if Sammy is now that age, that means it is not quite that far away from me. Suddenly, it does not look or seem quite as old as it once did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   So, here is wishing Sammy a Happy 64th, and many more!!!!!!!!!!!
Another year has passed, or winding down, take you pick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    As Judy Collins once so memorably sang, "Who Knows Where The Time Goes?"

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