Monday, November 5, 2012

Girls, Would You Believe It Took Me Nine Years?????????

                                      I am so glad I lived long enough to make through the entire Lemony Snickett series. That is the trouble when you commit yourself to series' books that are beyond a mere trilogy!!!!!!!!

                                      Back in 2003, I began, and read, the first entry in the "A Series Of Unfortunate Events" Series, "The Bad Beginning."  Yesterday evening, I finished the above book, aptly titled "The End."
From 2003 to 2012 is nine years, but let me tell you, there were lots of books--100's!!!!!--in between.  I did not just spend the time reading Lemony Snickett. It's not like it's demanding, like Proust!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Was it worth it??????? Yes.  Was I satisfied?????? Sort of!!!!!!!!  Throughout the books, I had the steady, gnawing feeling, that the Baudelaire Children's parents were still alive, after all, and that the final book would reveal this, and there would be a happy family reunion at the end. Alas, this was not to be, so I was somewhat disappointed.  What Lemony Snickett chose to do was to end the Baudelaires' adventures on a high note--Count Olaf is vanquished for good, darlings--leaving them to sail off, like Wynken, Blynken, and Nod, and start a new life, capped off a ship sailing , with a question mark in the illustration.  Which is all right, I suppose; we know the Baudelaires are OK, and that, having faced what they have already, they can face whatever challenges lie before them--and some most certainly do!!!!!!!!!    I can only wish them Godspeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          But, having polished off a 13 book series, I am loath to take on any others. And I still have a couple to finish, so, when I do, I will be more judicious, when it comes to series fare!!!!!!!!!  I am only allowed so much bookshelf space, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Now, anyone know where I can find a readable copy of "Butterfield 8?????????"

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