Monday, November 5, 2012

I Made It, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Well, girls, I am sitting here at work, but, with the week ahead, one can only guess for how long.  That I made it in on time is a miracle, because what I had to go through.  First of all, I want the damn MTA to know I am pissed at their taking so long to get the N and R trains--major arteries, darlings!!!--running, when trains that run outdoors, like the 7, are fully back.  Something is wrong there.

                                   And no one is getting the right information.  I went to our neighborhood R stop, and the  token booth sign said the R train was running into Manhattan!!!!!! Hooray!!!!!!!  Then it pulls in, I get on, feeling like normality has finally been restored, and the sign still says Jay Street and Metro Tech!!!!!!!!  So, Monsieur insisted I get off at 36th Street, and take a Manhattan bound there!  So, I do. Along comes an N, and very few people on it!  Great! I think, a chance to read all the way in!!!!!  Except that the side sign, when the cars pull in says "Last Stop."  Huh!!!!!!!  I see some folk--must be pretty disgruntled, dolls!!!!!!!--get on, and off it goes, past 36th Street!!!!!!!!! Huh????????  Then a D train pulls in SO packed, forget it!
I got the second D to pull on, and actually got a seat once we landed at Grand Street, in Manhattan.  So, I stayed on this till 59th Street, Columbus Circle, walked to work, where, after some computer mishaps, I am sitting here poring this out to all my girls!!!!!!!!!!!  Darlings, if any of you are able to stay at home, please do!!!!!!!

                                Of course, what I am worried about is the trip back home. I know I can just do it in reverse, but how will that play out?????????  I cannot stand this uncertainty ; I like my routine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If it takes me like 3 hours to get home each night while the R is being repaired, I am going to speak to people here about flex time, or something like that!!!!!!   The trouble is, none of us knows how this is going to play out, we can just do one day at a time.  So, if the storm prevents me from getting in on Wednesday and Thursday, too damn bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And we have tickets, as I have said, to see "The Mystery Of Edwin Drood" on Sunday. With Jessie Mueller!  We better damn well get there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I know, I know, how can I complain about such things in the face of those in Jersey or Breezy Point, who have lost everything????????  And how about New Orleans and Katrina???????? As devastating as Sandy was to our area, she paled beside what Katrina did to New Orleans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      So, girls, I am here, and I am grateful!!!!!!!!!!  But please get this most cosmopolitan of  cities back to normal PRONTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        A girl can only wait so long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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