Saturday, November 3, 2012

Standard Time Returns, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 That's right, girls--Spring ahead, Fall back!!!!!!!!!!  This is when we move into those dark, wintry months, where it starts getting dark at 4:30 in the afternoon.  I never liked this, dolls; it always creeped me out, even as a child!!!!!!!!!!!  Now that I am all grown up, and a Raving Queen to boot, it still does!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 So this is a reminder to all my girls out there to set your clocks BACK before putting out those lights, and going nightie-night 'seep 'seep!!!!!!!!!!  Just think, an extra hour of sleep to cultivate that beauty; and I would help even further by slathering on an extra layer of beauty cream to aid the process.

                                 Judging from what we just went through with Sandy, the Winter could be a dark, long, cold one.  So make sure you are prepared with Time, Books, and Wine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And cherish that extra hour of sleep!!!!!!!!!!  How often does any of us get one?????????????

                                     Remember the Syncopated Clock clock from "The Early Show" on CBS, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!  Well, some of you, anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!            

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